School closed on Friday April 6 and Monday April 9

Hello Huron, just a reminder that the school will be closed on both Good Friday (April 6th) and Easter Monday (April 9th).

School resumes on Tuesday April 10th.

–Jim Stathopoulos

Huron Family Skate: 2012-03-23

Hello Huron,
Our sixth annual Huron Family Skate is on Friday, March 23rd at Varsity Arena.   The entrance is through the U of T parking lot off the east side of Devonshire Pl., south of Bloor.  The cost is only $4.00 per person (skaters and chaperones), payable at the door.  Pizza and juice will be available for sale at 5:00 pm and the skating starts at 5:30 until 7:00 p.m.  Please remember if you are not on the ice yourself, to keep your eyes on your skaters as this is a parent chaperoned event. 
If your child needs to borrow skates or a helmet, please escort/send them to the northeast stairwell of the main building after school on Wednesday, March 21st or Thursday, March 22nd.  It is recommended that everyone wears a helmet.  There will be NO extra skates or helmets at the arena.  
For more information, please email Rebecca Scovel at:

Hope to see you there!

Dance-a-thon at Huron on Tuesday 2012-03-06!

Hello Huron, just a reminder that Tuesday March 6th is our annual Dance-a-thon  Parents/guardians are welcome to join in on the fun!
If you haven’t already done so, please return your Dance-a-thon Envelope tomorrow.
The money will be used to purchase books for classroom libraries in our school that will service all our children.
Remember, donations of $25.00 or more are eligible for a tax receipt
Jim Stathopoulos

Full Day Kindergarten at Huron in 2014-2015

Hello Huron, I just wanted to let everyone know that Full Day Kindergarten at Huron will be implemented in 2014-2015. Check out the flyer: Full Day KG 2014-2015. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at the school

All the best!

–Jim Stathopolous (via email broadcast)

Huron Steet Public School Community Web Space

This is a web space for parents, teachers, staff and students at Huron Street Public School. Huron’s official web space is managed by Principal Stathopoulos and is linked here.

So far, there are three four intertwined spaces.

Each of these spaces can be configured to allow different groups of people to control their content.

Parents and teachers at Huron are encouraged to create an account on the web space by filling out the registration form.