Our next School Council Meeting will be happening this week, on Tuesday February 27th, 2018 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – and all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.
Huron’s annual, fundraiser, DANCE-A-THON, will be happening on Thursday, March 8th, 2018. All classes, Kindergarten to Grade 6, will be involved and parents/caregivers are very welcome, and encouraged, to come and spend some time dancing as well. Please check with your child’s teacher about when their class is scheduled to be in the gym. More information and pledge forms will be emailed, and sent home as a hard copy, later this week but start your planning now – and again, if parents/caregivers are available, please bring your boogie shoes and come and join us that day.
As the weather changes we know from experience that the amount of clothing in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as outdoor clothing is removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Yesterday we could see 4 pairs of snow pants in Lost and Found, 5 umbrellas, and as always a great collection of boots, coats, shoes, hats, mittens/gloves, scarves, water bottles, lunch bags, and the list goes on. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. A reminder also that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity during the March Break holiday. The last day for you to ‘find’ items that belong in your household will be Friday March 9th – when we come back to school again after March Break (on Monday March 19th) Lost and Found will be empty!
The Annex Residents’ Association regrets to say that because of the warm weather predicted for this weekend, they have decided to cancel the ARA’s neighbourhood skating party scheduled for this weekend at Jean Sibelius Park.
Just a reminder to everyone that the school will be closed from Monday March 12th to Friday March 16th, 2018 inclusive, for our March Break holiday. The last day of school before the holiday is Friday March 9th, and school will resume again on Monday March 19th. We hope everyone in the Huron community has a happy, healthy and safe holiday.
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