Claude Watson School for the Arts

The TDSB Claude Watson School for the Arts offers an enriched arts education for students in Grades four through eight who have demonstrated talent in Music, Drama, Dance and Visual Arts. Each day the students divide their time between challenging academic classes and an exceptional arts program that develops their creative potential.

Each student auditions for a place in the Claude Watson School for the Arts. There are 60 places each year in Grade 4. Students interested in placement in Grades 5-8 are welcome to audition but there is very limited places available.

Claude Watson School for the Arts will be holding an information session on Monday, November 13th, 2017, at 7:00pm, for interested families.

Application are available online. The online application system is now open and can be reached by going to Applications will close on Thursday December 21st, 2017.

Please see the attachments for more information.

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