We will have our annual Hallowe’en parade, weather permitting, on Tuesday afternoon just after lunch (leaving at approx. 1:00pm). We go for a little walk, just once around the block, and show off our Hallowe’en costumes to our neighbours. If you’re available to join us on Tuesday afternoon please feel to come and walk with us.
A reminder to all Huron families that we have several students at our school with life threatening allergies and for many students this is an allergy to peanuts and/or tree nuts. We all need to work together to do our best to make Huron as allergy-safe as we can – and this is especially important to remember when it comes to Hallowe’en candy and treats. Please double check all Hallowe’en treats and make sure that anything coming to school is nut free!
Our QSP fundraiser kicked off last Tuesday, and thanks to the efforts of Huron families, we’ve already raised $1487.00 (as of Thursday morning).
Your support of our QSP fundraiser helps our school, and benefits your family literacy and knowledge of arts, culture and current events by bringing great magazines into your home. Remember too that QSP offers more than just magazines. Shop for chocolates, gifts, wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets and more at https://www.qsp.ca/Login/Index
Every item sold supports Huron when you use the HURON ONLINE ID: 3721180.
Our November pizza lunch is planned for Wednesday November 1st. The pizza for Wednesday has already been ordered – students may purchase extra slices for $3.00 each on Wednesday but please make sure students also have something else for lunch just in case there aren’t enough extra slices to meet demand.
Update – as of last Friday, Huron’s “adoption rate” (the percentage of families that have registered) for School Cash Online is now 82.35%. Well done Huron community! If you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. Remember that payment for all school activities, fields trips, fundraisers, spirit wear etc. will eventually need to be made through School Cash Online so please register as soon as you can. During this transition time it is still possible to make payments for some activities using cash or cheque, but eventually School Cash Online will be the only option so we would encourage the remaining 17.65% of our families to get registered.
Treaties Recognition Week is the first week of November every year. Treaties Recognition Week was introduced in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships.
For more information please check out the following websites:
Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know about Clay with Me, a studio that is offering a wide variety of programs for kids and adults. But most importantly we are offering PA days, after school programs and March break camp. If there is enough of a demand from Huron then we will arrange to pick up and walk your kids to the studio which is located across from Palmerston Junior Public school.
For more information email claywithadrienne@gmail.com or check out: https://www.claywithmepotterystudio.com
Thank you, Adrienne from Clay with Me
As the weather changes we know from experience that the amount of clothing in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as coats (and perhaps hat and gloves etc.) are removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you.
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