Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart Program (May 18)

Hello Huron, this message is from Mr. D’Onofrio our PHE Teacher


It has been five years since Huron last participated in the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Jump Rope for Heart Program. I am pleased to announce that we will once again be participating in this worthwhile program this spring.

On Friday, May 18th from 1-2 p.m. in the big field, all Huron students in Grades 1-6 will be skipping outside to not only raise funds, but also awareness for this great cause. Students will be receiving their very own skipping rope (theirs to keep!) and they will be skipping with their classes, friends, and with the help of our Grade 6 students who will be leading different skipping events at many locations in the North field.

It will truly be a great way to build school spirit, raise awareness, and keep fit!

Please be on the lookout for pledge forms which will be sent home with students late next week. All pledge forms are to be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday, May 25th at the latest.

Attached is a copy of the Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart parent letter should you be interested in learning more about this important issue.

The website can also be found at the below address:


As always, thank you for your continued support of our athletics program at Huron.


David D’Onofrio

Health and Physical Education Teacher

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