Huron Happenings – June 25, 2018


The Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence have honoured exceptional elementary and secondary school teachers in all disciplines since 1993, with over 1,500 teachers honoured to date. Recipients are recognized for their leadership and exemplary teaching practices as well as for their commitment to help the next generation of Canadians gain the knowledge and skills they need for future success in a world inspired by ideas and driven by innovation. The Awards are administered by Innovation, Science and Economic Development on behalf of the Prime Minister, in partnership with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada and with financial support from the program’s corporate partner, the RBC Foundation. It is my honour and privilege to let everyone know that Mr. Christopher Snow (teaching Grade 4/5 at Huron this year) has been chosen as a recipient for a Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence this year! As is written on the website:

“This activist educator harnesses technology, both to show children how to answer big questions about global and social issues and to teach skills; he also encourages his students to consider what role they can play in bringing about change!” CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Snow!


Our collection of Lost and Found items is now spread out over tables in the first floor hallway and in the lost and found structure in the front foyer to help you see, and claim, items that belong to you. Please remember to check the Lost and Found items every day this week as new things will be added every day as classrooms are being cleaned out for the end of the year. Remember that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year so please make sure that all items are claimed by Friday!


A reminder to everyone that next Friday – Friday, June 29th, 2018 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day. Thursday June 28th, 2018 is the last day of school for the students. We hope everyone has a wonderful summer!


The Annex Residents’ Association invites everyone to come Mulberry Picking on Saturday July 7th, 2018. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Huron Happenings – June 18, 2018


Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday June 19th, 2018 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions. The main agenda item for this meeting will be a recap of the Picnic for the Arts.


Our last Huron Earth Hour for this school year is going to be held on Friday June 22nd from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


Our collection of Lost and Found items has reached epic quantities…please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. A reminder also that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year so please make sure that all items are claimed.


Please find attached the brochure from Alliance-Francaise about their after-school programs starting in September 2018. Hard copies of the brochure are also available in Huron’s Main Office for anyone interested. Alliance-Francaise is prepared to offer supervised transportation directly from Huron on any day when there are at least 6 students registered for an after school program, so please make sure you contact them if you are interested so they can plan and staff accordingly.


As we all know, our parking lot is very small and often does not have enough space for staff and visitors to the school. We are asking for the community’s support in NOT using the parking lot as a drop-off/pick-up spot for your vehicles. On several occasions recently staff have had to wait, drive around the block and in some cases pay for parking for the day, only to come back to the lot and find spaces that were only temporarily occupied while someone was being dropped off. Please leave our limited parking spaces open and available for staff. For everyone to think about – rather than just increase the congestion of vehicles on the street (which we also recognize as being problematic) perhaps as a community, especially being a Platinum Level Eco-School, we could think about solutions such as dropping off a couple of blocks away and allowing for a little walk to school, or is it really necessary to drive in the first place? Alternative methods of coming to school are something we can all think about as we try and reduce our carbon footprint.

Huron Happenings – June 11, 2018



The Picnic is this Friday, June 15th, and we are short on volunteers — we REALLY need your help!!!


Our Silent Auction is online – AND IT’S OPEN NOW – be sure to visit and bid on some wonderful items! All money raised goes toward Arts Funding at Huron.


Our collection of Lost and Found items is reaching epic quantities…please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. A reminder that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year so please make sure that all items are claimed.


What should you do with all of the magazine renewal notices you’ve been receiving? Feed your recycling bin because our QSP Magazine campaign will be returning to Huron again next year! Many popular magazines such as “Chatelaine”, “Maclean’s” and “Hello Canada” will be available once again. Did you know that we were able to purchase new books for classrooms with the money we raised from this year’s campaign? PLEASE RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS THROUGH THE SCHOOL CAMPAIGN AND SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION.
Remember: If you ever have questions about magazine orders, call QSP directly at 1-800-667-2536.

Huron Happenings – June 4, 2018


Weather permitting, our primary and junior panoramic photos for this school year are going to be taken on Monday June 4th, starting after lunch. If at all possible, please make sure all students are at school for this photo as there is no retake day. Everyone needs to bring their best smile to school on Monday. For families who are interested, information about how you can purchase a copy of this photo will be coming shortly.


Wednesday June 6th is our next, and last, Pizza Lunch for this school year. The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday – if there are any, extra slices will be available for $3.00 each but please make sure your child also has a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices cannot be guaranteed. A huge “Thank You” needs to go out to all the amazing volunteers who helped with our pizza lunches all year long – we absolutely couldn’t do it without you!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.


Our Grade 1-6 Spring Concert is fast approaching, and this year’s concert is going to be packed with excellent performances. Please make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday June 7th, at 6:00pm. Please see the attached letter for more information. All students who are performing in this concert were also given a hard copy of this letter last week. Please note that students do not need to be here at the school until at the earliest 5:45pm which is when the gym doors will also open. The weather forecast is looking like slightly cooler temperatures for this week, but we’d like to remind everyone of just how warm it can get in the gym and to please plan accordingly. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening, beginning at 6:00pm.


A reminder to everyone that this Friday – June 8th, 2018 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day.


Grab some books off your shelf and donate them to our Book Sale – Drop off in front of the office!
Make (or buy) baked goods for our Bake Sale – bring it to the Staff Room anytime on the day of the Picnic! (Nut-Free Only)
Donate your time:
Donate $40 toward costs of the Picnic (choose fund destination: Huron Street / message: Picnic for the Arts):
YOU ARE THE REASON OUR PICNIC WILL BE A SUCCESS! Join us on June 15th from 5:00-8:00pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!!!


This year, the Grade 5/6 Yearbook Club is really excited to once again complete our Huron Street Junior Public School yearbook. If you will like to order a copy of the yearbook, please sign-in to School Cash Online and make your payment. We are ordering yearbooks books based on the number of orders and there will be no extras.
Price: $10.00
Payable through cash online only!
Deadline for ordering is June 5th, 2018.
Thank you in advance!
The Grade 5/6 Yearbook Club!

Huron Happenings – May 28, 2018


From May 28 to June 1, 2018 Huron and other schools, public health offices, municipalities, regions and non-government organizations across the province will be celebrating Bike to School Week. We are encouraging students to walk and roll to school, and the Eco Team is sharing news about the benefits of active transportation. We hope your family will talk about ways to be active and eco-friendly in moving about. If a student bikes or rolls to school (even part of the way) next week, we would love to celebrate it! Please send any photographs of your child(ren)/family cycling to school to (one of our Eco teachers) with the subject line “Bike” and the student’s/family’s name. We are planning to post pictures on our “Bike of Fame” wall. A photograph of this wall will be part of our “evidence” in an application for more bike racks that we are submitting to T.D.S.B. EcoSchools this June. Thank you for your support of this Eco initiative!


Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday May 29th, 2018 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.


We can’t run the Picnic without our stellar volunteers. We need 150 and only have 50 so far…Please help! VOLUNTEER ONE HOUR AT THE EVENT! If each family takes a one-hour shift, we won’t have to ask anymore. Sign up NOW! Click this online sign-up link – we’ve made it really easy for you to make the Picnic a success: http://www.volunteersignup. org/BY7XF
*Older siblings/Huron alumni/high schoolers are welcome to volunteer – we can sign for community hours*
Questions? Send an email to:


This year, our Auction is going ONLINE! We want to give everyone the chance to enjoy all the fun activities at the Picnic without worrying about making that last bid in the Gym. But since lots of money raised comes from the Auction, we really need everyone’s help to get donated items. Huron’s “Ask Letter” is attached below — print it out and bring it to your local business. Where you shop, dine out, have coffee, pamper yourself, take the kids…anywhere! If we each got one item donated, it would be our best Auction ever! Questions? Contact our Auction Leader, Heidi McDonald: Donations are due by JUNE 4.


As we all know, our parking lot is very small and often does not have enough space for staff and visitors to the school. We are asking for the community’s support in NOT using the parking lot as a drop-off/pick-up spot for your vehicles. On several occasions recently staff have had to wait, drive around the block and in some cases pay for parking for the day, only to come back to the lot and find spaces that were only temporarily occupied while someone was being dropped off. Please leave our limited parking spaces open and available for staff. For everyone to think about – rather than just increase the congestion of vehicles on the street (which we also recognize as being problematic) perhaps as a community, especially being a Platinum Level Eco-School, we could think about solutions such as dropping off a couple of blocks away and allowing for a little walk to school, or is it really necessary to drive in the first place? Alternative methods of coming to school are something we can all think about as we try and reduce our carbon footprint.


Our collection of Lost and Found items has reached epic quantities…please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. A reminder also that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year so please make sure that all items are claimed.

Huron Happenings – May 21, 2018


Kindergarten families, friends and relatives, make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday May 24th – our Kindergarten Spring Concert! The concert will be starting at 6:00pm and all Kindergarten students will be performing with their classes. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night.


Our Huron Earth Hour for May is going to be held on Friday May 25th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


Bike to School Week is a celebration of active transportation and biking and builds on the success of Bike Month. Schools participate in Bike to School Week by encouraging their students to walk and roll to school, and by promoting the benefits of active transportation (walking) and biking. This year, Bike to School Week is happening at Huron and in the TDSB from May 28th – June 1st, 2018.


This year, our Auction is going ONLINE! We want to give everyone the chance to enjoy all the fun activities at the Picnic without worrying about making that last bid in the Gym. Since lots of money raised comes from the Auction, we really need everyone’s help to get donated items. Huron’s “Ask Letter” is attached — print it out and take it to your local businesses…Where you shop, dine out, have coffee, pamper yourself, take the kids…anywhere! If we each got one item donated, it would be our best Auction ever! Questions? Contact our Auction Leader, Heidi McDonald:
Donations are due by JUNE 4, 2018.


Our collection of Lost and Found items is reaching epic quantities…please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. A reminder also that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year so please make sure that all items are claimed.

Huron Happenings – May 14, 2018


We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday May 17th, beginning at 6:00pm for Huron’s first COFFEE HOUSE. This is a wonderful opportunity for families within our Huron School community to come and socialize, have a coffee if you want, and listen to some ‘home grown’ entertainment. Come for 15 minutes or an hour – come for as long as you’re able, from 6:00-8:00pm. See you on Thursday. (Just a reminder that children must be accompanied by an adult.)


Bike to School Week ( is a celebration of active transportation and biking and builds on the success of Bike Month ( Schools participate in Bike to School Week by encouraging their students to walk and roll to school, and by promoting the benefits of active transportation (walking) and biking. This year, Bike to School Week is happening at Huron and in the TDSB from May 28th – June 1st, 2018.


We are starting a new initiative at Huron called SunSense. It was created by the Canadian Cancer Society to increase awareness about sun safety. From now until the end of June most days will have high to very high UV ratings between 11:00am and 3:00pm. Although it is often recommended that children stay out of the sun during these times, we know that’s not possible, so the emphasis is on sun protection such as seeking shade, sunscreen, sun hat and long sleeve shirts. This is a good reminder to adults as well. You will see SunSense posters around the school (and one is attached for your reference) and teachers will be speaking to their classes about this issue. It is important that students come to school with sunscreen on in the morning, and bring some with them to apply before going outside. It is also recommended that students wear a wide brim hat, sun glasses and long sleeves.

Some key information to keep in mind:

- 80% of sun exposure occurs before the age of 18 years old

- One bad sun burn before the age of 18 doubles your chances of Melanoma later in life

If you would like more information see the following links: (great resource about making sun protection a new family rule. Just like we make sure children are dressed for cold weather, we need to make sun protection a new rule)

Thanks for your support with this.


As we all know, our parking lot is very small and often does not have enough space for staff and visitors to the school. We are asking for the community’s support in NOT using the parking lot as a drop-off/pick-up spot for your vehicles. On several occasions recently staff have had to wait, drive around the block and in some cases pay for parking for the day, only to come back to the lot and find spaces that were only temporarily occupied while someone was being dropped off. Please leave our limited parking spaces open and available for staff. For everyone to think about – rather than just increase the congestion of vehicles on the street (which we also recognize as being problematic) perhaps as a community, especially being a Platinum Level Eco-School, we could think about solutions such as dropping off a couple of blocks away and allowing for a little walk to school, or is it really necessary to drive in the first place? Alternative methods of coming to school are something we can all think about as we try and reduce our carbon footprint. Also a reminder that the SCHOOL BUS LOADING/UNLOADING area must always be kept free from vehicles! Please do not stop your car in this area during the times indicated on the signs.


A reminder to everyone that unless students need to come into the office in the morning, all students and their families should walk around directly to the schoolyard and be prepared to meet classes when the bell rings. Students and their families should not be coming into the school unless there is a reason to do so. Families please be conscious of the fact that the office is a very busy place in the mornings and it’s not always possible for us to answer the buzzer immediately when it rings. Please support Ms. Vallely with this and let’s try and reduce the number of people coming into the building unnecessarily. Of course no changes for families coming to Superfriends in the morning.

Huron Happenings – May 7, 2018


Launched in 2005 by The Coalition for Music Education, Music Monday is the world’s largest single event dedicated to raising awareness for music education. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students, educators, and music makers participate in a simultaneous nationwide concert performance of an original song written by a Canadian artist. It is a full day of celebration, always on the first Monday of May. In 2018, Music Monday will happen on May 7th. Students, community groups, musicians and artists across the country joined their voices to sing the Music Monday anthem ‘Sing it together’. For more information about Music Monday please visit:

We are encouraging all parents/caregivers to come and join us for our Music Monday celebration on May 7th. We’ll start as soon as lunch finishes (at approximately 1:00pm) gathering in the basketball court area (we’ll move into the gym if the weather doesn’t cooperate). Come and hear our choirs and our band and join in the singing of the Music Monday Anthem (the words and music can be found on the website: and of course the Huron School Song will round out our celebration. Please feel free to invite family and friends – Music Monday is definitely a community event!


Unfortunately Mother Nature has not been on our side when it comes to our Track and Field season this year. Our first meet, the South Conference Qualifiers, is going to be held on Thursday May 10th however, due to our prolonged poor weather in April, we weren’t able to nearly as many practices as we might have liked. None the less, our Track and Field athletes have been working hard and our team has been selected. Students selected to compete next Thursday received their permission forms on Friday – please make sure that form is returned to the school as soon as possible. Weather permitting, please find attached the schedule of practices that we’re hoping to have over the next few days, in advance of the Track and Field meet on Thursday. Please note that as TDSB has changed their policies, only students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to attend the Track and Field meet this year and spaces in each Track and Field event are limited so therefore selected athletes have been offered the opportunity to attend the meet.


The amount of clothing and other stuff in Lost and Found increased dramatically last week, as outdoor clothing was removed when the students got hot playing outside…and then frequently not reclaimed! We already have an enormous collection of ‘stuff’ in Lost and Found …please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. Remember too that food containers left unclaimed after several days in Lost Found will be thrown out when they start to become ‘science experiments’. And especially now with warmer temperatures, that happens faster.

Huron Happenings – April 30th, 2018


A reminder that Wednesday May 2nd is our next Pizza Lunch. The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday – if there are any, extra slices will be available for $3.00 each but please make sure your child also has a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices cannot be guaranteed.


Unfortunately Mother Nature has not been on our side when it comes to our Track and Field season this year. Our first meet, the South Conference Qualifiers, is going to be held on Thurs. May 10th however, due to our prolonged poor weather, we’ve only just been able to start practices this past week. As much as weather permits, please find attached the schedule of practices that we’re hoping to have over the next two weeks. Please note that as TDSB has changed their policies, only students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to attend the Track and Field meets this year. All interested students are welcome to participate in practices but spaces in each Track and Field event are limited and therefore selected athletes will be offered the opportunity to attend the meet.


Launched in 2005 by The Coalition for Music Education, Music Monday is the world’s largest single event dedicated to raising awareness for music education. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students, educators, and music makers participate in a simultaneous nationwide concert performance of an original song written by a Canadian artist. It is a full day of celebration, always on the first Monday of May. In 2018, Music Monday will happen on May 7th. Students, community groups, musicians and artists across the country joined their voices to sing the Music Monday anthem ‘Sing it Together’. For more information about Music Monday please visit: We are encouraging all parents/caregivers to come and join us for our Music Monday celebration on May 7th. We’ll start as soon as lunch finishes (at approximately 1:00pm) gathering in the basketball court area (we’ll move into the gym if the weather doesn’t cooperate). Come and hear our choirs and our band and join in the singing of the Music Monday Anthem (the words and music can be found on the website: and of course the Huron School Song will round out our celebration. Please feel free to invite family and friends – Music Monday is definitely a community event!


A reminder to everyone that unless students need to come into the office in the morning, everyone should walk around directly to the schoolyard and be prepared to meet classes when the bell rings. Students and their families should not be coming into the school unless there is a reason to do so. Families please be conscious of the fact that the office is a very busy place in the mornings and it’s not always possible for us to answer the buzzer immediately when it rings. Please support Ms. Vallely with this and let’s try and reduce the number of people coming into the building unnecessarily. Of course no changes for families coming to Superfriends in the morning.


As the weather changes we know from experience that the amount of clothing in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as outdoor clothing is removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Even in these very early days of spring we already have an enormous collection of ‘stuff’ in Lost and Found …please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you.

Huron Happenings – April 23, 2018


Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday April 24th, 2018 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.


For families that are registered, a reminder that the rescheduled date for the Sight and Sound Clinic (Vision and Hearing Screening) is Wednesday April 25th.


Due to the less than ideal weather conditions last week, we decided to postpone our Schoolyard and Community Clean-Up so now this Friday, April 27th, is going to be a special “Earth Day” at Huron with both our Clean-Up and Huron Earth Hour happening. Our Huron Earth Hour for April is going to be held on Friday April 27th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well. Also on Friday April 27th, all classes will be participating in School Clean-Up Day. As a school community we will be cleaning our school yard as well as going to some of the local parks and playgrounds to lend our support to clean-up activities happening there. We would love to have parents/caregivers helping us – please speak to your child’s teacher for the specifics of when and where their class will be cleaning. Everyone needs to remember to dress appropriately for the weather that day as everyone will be outside at some point. For more information about School Clean-Up day, and how you can also get involved in Community Clean-Up events, please visit:


Our students in kindergarten to grade 3 have all been reading the same Canadian-authored Ontario Library Association Blue Spruce picture books. On Monday April 16th, they voted for the best book. The winner will be announced this Monday! In grades 3-6, students have an opportunity to join the Silver Birch reading club. Over 50 readers have been reading fiction, nonfiction and quicker express books. To earn a signature on their passport, they had a book talk with an expert staff reader. Now over 25 students are eligible to vote this Monday, and the winner will be announced on Friday, April 27th. Along the way, there are many ways to celebrate reading – from cheers by the club, to watching Jenny Depuis on a video chat (co-author of “I am Not a Number”), to treats, and perhaps visiting the fiction and nonfiction awards ceremonies at the Harbourfront Center on May 16th. Of course, our real joy is getting to celebrate and share the love of reading across Huron with friends.


As the weather changes the amount of clothing in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as outdoor clothing is removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Even in these very early days of spring we already have an enormous collection of ‘stuff’ in Lost and Found, and in addition to clothing our Lost and Found structure is also home to many, many water bottles, lunch bags, an umbrella or two, baseball gloves, etc.. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you.