Huron Happenings – Oct. 22, 2018


Our first Pizza Lunch is happening on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 and thank you to all the parents/caregivers who are involved in planning our pizza lunches!

The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday and unfortunately last minute orders cannot be accepted. If there are any, extra slices will be available for sale for $3.00 each. If pizza wasn’t ordered in advance please do remember to send a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices are not always available.


Come celebrate our Fall Walk to School day on Wednesday, October 24th. Students and families are encouraged to walk to school (even if only a part of the way) to promote daily physical activity, a healthier environment, safer streets, making friends and…having fun! We will have greeters cheer you on at the front of our school.

Even more wonderful, we are combining our Walk to School day with Take Me Outside Day – so students will be walking to school and learning outside for part of the day. Make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather on Oct. 24th as all classes will be going outside for a learning opportunity today.

We thank our Eco leaders in grades 4-6 who have been promoting both of these activities, and look forward to being outside together.


Our Huron Earth Hour for October is going to be held on Friday October 26th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. Throughout the school we turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


Your child may have received it yesterday, if not they will on Monday – and every student will be bringing home the information about how you can order school photographs for this year. All students who were present on Oct. 16th will have a proof-sheet to bring home. All ordering is done online, directly through “Brightpics” (the company that takes the photographs). Please note that the deadline for ordering is Monday October 29th, 2018.

For students who were absent on Oct. 16th, or if there is a flaw in the original photos, our re-take day for photos is Tues. Nov. 13th in the afternoon.


Our book fair is coming in November (a new time for us) from November 13th-16th, 2018. Please see the attached flyer. Bookfair – Huron (Fall 2018).pdf
Our Book Fair is run by Ella Minnow Bookstore and a portion of all sales helps support buying books for our Huron Library.

If you are able to help out at the Book Fair after school on Thursday, Thursday evening or Friday morning, please email me. I am also looking for setting up and taking down help on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon.

Huron Happenings – Oct. 15, 2018


Our first waste free lunch week of this year (our third overall) begins tomorrow, on Monday October 15th! We are encouraging students to bring ‘no garbage’ lunches that week – through bringing reusable containers, water bottles, whole fruits and other waste-free snack and lunch ideas. This initiative will be shared by our Eco student leaders in classroom presentations and on the morning announcements. We hope to catch many students being waste-free or as waste-reduced as possible. During our spot-checks, students have the chance to earn a stamp on their hand and have their picture taken (with their lunch or snack) on our wall of fame.

This project is part of Canada’s waste reduction week ( Huron’s school-wide focus last spring was on reducing single use plastic. We will continue our learning about plastic waste (like plastic water bottles or bags), its environmental impact and ways to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Last year, students in many classes made a personal plastic pledge for what action they could take to reduce plastic waste.

We are hoping you can join us in these activities by learning more about ways to reduce garbage in snack and lunch packaging or other eco-actions with your family. Waste Free Lunch.pdf


Tuesday, October 16th, 2018 is Photo Day. Full class and individual student photos will be taken today for all students. Make sure to bring your best smile to school today.


Don’t forget to sign up for Pizza Day this year! Our first Pizza Day is Wednesday, October 24th, 2018. You must order by October 17th and you must order online (using School Cash Online) to receive your pizza. If you are having trouble setting up an account, please contact Ms. Vallely in the Main Office. Thank you.


A reminder to all families that if you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. School Cash Online is the only payment option for our upcoming Pizza Lunches as well as for upcoming field trips in several classes.

School Cash Online is an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/caregivers to pay for their children’s pizza days, field trips, agendas, yearbooks, etc., and all other school activities.
As events occur, if they are applicable to your child, you will get an email from School Cash Online alerting you about the event and the cost. Payment can be made using a debit or credit card.

To register for School Case Online please visit select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps. For more information on the registration process, please see the handout which is attached here: School Cash Online Registration information.pdf

If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of the School Cash Online web page. You can also contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 and The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/caregivers with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account or payment issues.

Please remember that our School Office is now CASHLESS and we will not be accepting cash payments. If you haven’t yet, please register for School Cash Online as soon as possible.


Our book fair is coming in November (a new time for us) from November 13th-16th, 2018. Please see the attached flyer. Bookfair – Huron (Fall 2018).pdf
Our Book Fair is run by Ella Minnow Bookstore and a portion of all sales helps support buying books for our Huron Library.

If you are able to help out at the Book Fair after school on Thursday, Thursday evening or Friday morning, please email me. I am also looking for setting up and taking down help on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon.


Huron—you are amazing! We’re nearly at $2000 for our QSP Magazine fundraiser, which runs until tomorrow (Monday October 15th). Because of you, there will be brand new learn-to-read books for our children to read in the classroom, purchased with profits from this campaign.

But we’re still not at our fundraising goal—can you help us get there by our Monday October 15 deadline?? Your support of this campaign not only helps our school, but benefits your family literacy and knowledge of arts, culture and current events by bringing great magazines into your home. These subscriptions also make great holiday gifts—and gift cards are available! Remember too that QSP offers more than just magazines. Shop for chocolates, gifts, wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets and more at

Every item sold supports Huron when you use the HURON ONLINE ID: 3721180.


We are looking for parent/caregiver volunteers who are interested in volunteering their time once or twice per week to read with some of our primary students. The Early Reading Intervention program will be running Monday-Friday from 9:00am-10:00am. Our hope is to read with each selected student 15 minutes per day at their reading level. Please let me know which days and times you are available. If you’re available one day a week for half an hour please think about being involved. Interested volunteers can drop by Room 2 (the former Nurses’ office, across the hall from the Main Office) in the morning to touch base with me and I will be happy to train you.


Provincial Consultation on Education Reform: Parents/caregivers, students, educators and community members are invited to provide feedback on several areas of the province’s education system, including updating the Health and Physical Education curriculum and improving student performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Closing date is December 15th, 2018. To learn more and how you can participate, visit

Huron Happenings – Oct. 8, 2018


We are looking for parent/caregiver volunteers who are interested in volunteering their time once or twice per week to read with some of our primary students. The Early Reading Intervention program will be running Monday-Friday from 9:00am-10:00am. Our hope is to read with each selected student 15 minutes per day at their reading level. Please let me know which days and times you are available. If you’re available one day a week for half an hour please think about being involved. Interested volunteers can drop by Room 2 (the former Nurses’ office, across the hall from the Main Office) in the morning to touch base with me and I will be happy to train you.

Thank you and Happy Reading!

Iben Stothers
MART/Resource Teacher


Our QSP Magazine fundraiser is off to a great start—we’ve already raised more than $1000. Let’s keep the momentum going to reach our $4000 goal.

Your support of this campaign helps our school—funds raised will be used to purchase learn-to-read books for classroom use—and benefits your family literacy and knowledge of arts, culture and current events by bringing great magazines into your home. These subscriptions also make great holiday gifts and gift cards are available! Remember too that QSP offers more than just magazines. Shop for chocolates, gifts, wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets and more at

Every item sold supports Huron when you use the HURON ONLINE ID: 3721180.


A brand new fundraiser is taking place at Huron this year. Fresh From the Farm matches families with healthy food from Ontario farmers at great prices—and we get to keep 40% of the profits. Funds raised will be used for eco-initiatives at our school. Order forms have already been sent home (extras are available in the Main Office), or you can find them online at

ORDERS ARE DUE BY NEXT THURSDAY OCTOBER 11th, 2018. (Cheques payable to Huron Street Junior PS)

$14 Bundle A contains: 5 lb potatoes, 3 lb carrots, 3 lb onions, 3 lb sweet potatoes

$15 Bundle B contains: 8 lb Empire apples

Visit for more information.


Our first waste free lunch week of this year (our third overall) begins Monday Oct. 15th! We are encouraging students to bring ‘no garbage’ lunches that week – through bringing reusable containers, water bottles, whole fruits and other waste-free snack and lunch ideas. This initiative will be shared by our Eco student leaders in classroom presentations and on the morning announcements. We hope to catch many students being waste-free or as waste-reduced as possible. During our spot-checks, students have the chance to earn a stamp on their hand and have their picture taken (with their lunch or snack) on our wall of fame.

This project is part of Canada’s waste reduction week ( Huron’s school-wide focus last spring was on reducing single use plastic. We will continue our learning about plastic waste (like plastic water bottles or bags), its environmental impact and ways to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Last year, students in many classes made a personal plastic pledge for what action they could take to reduce plastic waste.

We are hoping you can join us in these activities by learning more about ways to reduce garbage in snack and lunch packaging or other eco-actions with your family.


A reminder to all families that if you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. School Cash Online is the only payment option for our upcoming Pizza Lunches as well as for upcoming field trips in several classes.

School Cash Online is an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/caregivers to pay for their children’s pizza days, field trips, agendas, yearbooks, etc., and all other school activities.
As events occur, if they are applicable to your child, you will get an email from School Cash Online alerting you about the event and the cost. Payment can be made using a debit or credit card.

To register for School Case Online please visit select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps. For more information on the registration process, please see the handout which is attached here: School Cash Online Registration information.pdf

If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of the School Cash Online web page. You can also contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 and The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/caregivers with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account or payment issues.

Please remember that our School Office is now CASHLESS and we will not be accepting cash payments. If you haven’t yet, please register for School Cash Online as soon as possible.


As we all know, our parking lot is very small and often does not have enough space for staff and visitors to the school. We are asking for parent/caregiver support in NOT using the parking lot as a drop-off/pick-up spot for your vehicles. On several occasions recently staff have had to wait, drive around the block and in some cases pay for parking for the day, only to come back to the lot and find spaces that were only temporarily occupied while someone was being dropped off. Please leave our limited parking spaces open and available for staff.

For everyone to think about – rather than just increase the congestion of vehicles on the street (which we also recognize as being problematic) perhaps as a community, especially being a Platinum Level Eco-School, we could think about solutions such as dropping off a couple of blocks away and allowing for a little walk to school, or is it really necessary to drive in the first place? Alternative methods of coming to school are something we can all think about as we try and reduce our carbon footprint.


The swim is open to all ages. The pool is divided in three so that it can accommodate families with small children, anyone who can swim in deep water,(or would like to use the diving board), as well as lane swim. Everyone is welcome. Please see the flyer here for more information. Central Tech Community Swim.pdf


Make sure your child’s vaccinations are up-to-date: By law, under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), students in Ontario are required to have up-to-date vaccinations or a valid exemption to attend school. See your doctor if your child needs any vaccines, and report your child’s vaccination record online to Toronto Public Health at
Take your child to see an optometrist: Research shows that 80 percent of what children know is learned through their eyes. OHIP covers an annual eye exam for children age 19 and under, and children in junior kindergarten are eligible for a free pair of glasses if needed through the Eye See Eye Learn program. Make an appointment with an optometrist.
Assess if your child needs help with their speech and language development: Learn more about the speech and development milestones your child should reach before they enter kindergarten and access resources that are available if you have concerns.

A FREE 2 hour family workshop is being hosted at the Palmerston Library (Bathurst & Bloor area). on Saturday, October 13th @2:00pm. The invitation is for parents with children 10 – 14.years to attend together and engage in fun, interactive activities on the subject of being home alone safely. See the attached poster. AHATPL-Palmerston Branch Oct.13.2018.pdf


“Ukulele Kids” is again going to be offering their after school program here at Huron on Tuesdays, beginning Tuesday October 16th, 2018. Please see their attached flyer for more information and how to register: Ukulele Kids.pdf

Fresh from the Farm

The deadline for your Fresh From the Farm orders is this week: THURSDAY OCTOBER 11th, 2018. (Cheques payable to Huron Street Junior PS)

Fresh From the Farm is your chance to get fresh and local produce at great prices, supporting eco-projects at Huron and Ontario farmers at the same time. Delivery will take place in November or December, after most farmers’ markets have finished for the season and fresh fruit and vegetables will be much appreciated.

$14 Bundle A contains: 5 lb potatoes, 3 lb carrots, 3 lb onions, 3 lb sweet potatoes

$15 Bundle B contains: 8 lb Empire apples

Visit for more information. A brochure and an order form are also attached to this message if you require them, and extra copies are also available in the Main Office.

Huron Happenings – Oct. 1, 2018


Our first School Council Meeting of the 2018/2019 school year will be happening on Tuesday October 2nd, 2018 at 6:00pm, in the school Library. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions. If you are new to Huron, or have never been to a School Council meeting before a special encouragement to join us at this meeting and see what’s it all about. School Council usually meets approximately 7 or 8 times during the school year and you don’t need to be able to attend every meeting in order to participate (we will be choosing the days/times of all future meetings on Tuesday night). We make sure our meetings are finished by 8:00pm (if not earlier) and the meetings are a great opportunity to get connected and learn about what’s going on both in the school and within the Toronto District School Board, and the ways that parents/caregivers can be involved. Babysitting and pizza will be available for school aged children. We hope to see many of you on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 at 6:00pm.


A reminder to all families that if you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. School Cash Online is an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/caregivers to pay for their children’s pizza days, field trips, agendas, yearbooks, etc., and all other school activities. As events occur, if they are applicable to your child, you will get an email from School Cash Online alerting you about the event and the cost. Payment can be made using a debit or credit card. To register for School Case Online please visit select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps.
If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of the School Cash Online web page. You can also contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 and The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/caregivers with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account or payment issues. Please remember that our School Office is now CASHLESS and we will not be accepting cash payments. If you haven’t yet, please register for School Cash Online as soon as possible as fields trips are already being planned for some classes.


Our QSP Magazine fundraiser kicks off on Monday (October 1st) — watch for order forms in your children’s backpacks. Your support of this campaign helps our school—funds raised will be used to purchase learn-to-read books for classroom use—and benefits your family literacy and knowledge of arts, culture and current events by bringing great magazines into your home. These subscriptions also make great holiday gifts and gift cards are available! Remember too that QSP offers more than just magazines. Shop for chocolates, gifts, wrapping paper, kitchen gadgets and more at
Every item sold supports Huron when you use the HURON ONLINE ID: 3721180.


A brand new fundraiser is taking place at Huron this year. Fresh From the Farm matches families with healthy food from Ontario farmers at great prices—and we get to keep 40% of the profits. Funds raised will be used for eco-initiatives at our school. Order forms should already have been sent home, or will be on Monday, or you can find them online at
ORDERS ARE DUE BY THURSDAY OCTOBER 11th, 2018. (Cheques payable to Huron Street Junior PS)
$14 Bundle A contains: 5 lb potatoes, 3 lb carrots, 3 lb onions, 3 lb sweet potatoes
$15 Bundle B contains: 8 lb Empire apples
Visit for more information.


All of these FREE workshops are endorsed by the TDSB and will be facilitated by a Public Health Nurse. Registration is on-line, and the workshops are all at the Toronto Reference Library 789 Yonge Street (Yonge & Bloor).
Tuesday, October 2nd, 6pm-8pm – At Home Alone

Saturday, November 3rd, 10am-12pm – Kids Have Stress Too I
Saturday, November 17th, 10am-12pm – Kids Have Stress Too II
Saturday, December 1st, 10am-12pm – Kids Have Stress Too III


Available for October 2018 on the days we service your school (Tuesdays)
We are pleased to bring back our very popular Thanksgiving Lunch Special for the month of October. This lunch features:
Roast Turkey Slices, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, Peas & corn and Apple slices
Our Monthly Specials are:
Beef soft taco
Bean soft taco
Please find attached our October 2018 flyer: Kid’s Kitchen for October.pdf


A reminder to everyone that next Friday – Friday, October 5th, 2018 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day. Also remember that Monday, October 8th, 2018 is Thanksgiving and the school will be closed for the holiday.