Our first Pizza Lunch is happening on Wednesday, October 24th, 2018 and thank you to all the parents/caregivers who are involved in planning our pizza lunches!
The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday and unfortunately last minute orders cannot be accepted. If there are any, extra slices will be available for sale for $3.00 each. If pizza wasn’t ordered in advance please do remember to send a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices are not always available.
Come celebrate our Fall Walk to School day on Wednesday, October 24th. Students and families are encouraged to walk to school (even if only a part of the way) to promote daily physical activity, a healthier environment, safer streets, making friends and…having fun! We will have greeters cheer you on at the front of our school.
Even more wonderful, we are combining our Walk to School day with Take Me Outside Day – so students will be walking to school and learning outside for part of the day. Make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather on Oct. 24th as all classes will be going outside for a learning opportunity today.
We thank our Eco leaders in grades 4-6 who have been promoting both of these activities, and look forward to being outside together.
Our Huron Earth Hour for October is going to be held on Friday October 26th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. Throughout the school we turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.
Your child may have received it yesterday, if not they will on Monday – and every student will be bringing home the information about how you can order school photographs for this year. All students who were present on Oct. 16th will have a proof-sheet to bring home. All ordering is done online, directly through “Brightpics” (the company that takes the photographs). Please note that the deadline for ordering is Monday October 29th, 2018.
For students who were absent on Oct. 16th, or if there is a flaw in the original photos, our re-take day for photos is Tues. Nov. 13th in the afternoon.
Our book fair is coming in November (a new time for us) from November 13th-16th, 2018. Please see the attached flyer. Bookfair – Huron (Fall 2018).pdf
Our Book Fair is run by Ella Minnow Bookstore and a portion of all sales helps support buying books for our Huron Library.
If you are able to help out at the Book Fair after school on Thursday, Thursday evening or Friday morning, please email me. I am also looking for setting up and taking down help on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon.
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