Passionate about healthy eating and local produce? Want to make a difference at Huron? We’re looking for a volunteer Project Coordinator to run Huron’s first Fresh From the Farm fundraiser ( which engages students and supports farmers through the sale of fresh Ontario fruits and vegetables—and schools profit 40% of total sales. Proceeds would support our eco-school initiatives. Deadline for orders is October 15 and delivery takes place on a set date in November or December. If you’re interested, email Kerry Clare at
Make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday September 27th for our annual Back to School BBQ followed by ‘Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night’. Hot dogs, hot off the grill, will be for sale starting at 5:00pm, and Huron water bottles will also be for sale. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School we will not be selling plastic water bottles so make sure you bring your own water bottle. Then from 6:00-7:00pm classrooms will be open for all parents/caregivers to come and meet their child(ren)’s teacher and see some of the exciting programming that’s happening in every classroom. All students were given a copy of this flyer to take home – here it is again for your reference: BBQ and Meet The Teacher.pdf
Our school is proud to be participating in the Terry Fox School Run, during the afternoon on Friday September 28th. Please join our school community and support this worthy cause, click: to be taken to our school’s fundraising page. The Terry Fox Foundation has a great reputation with 82 cents of every dollar going directly to cancer research. Since Huron Street School started our association with the Terry Fox Walk we have raised over $98,000.00 towards cancer research. We had a kick-off assembly with a speaker from the Terry Fox Foundation two weeks ago, and daily announcements about Terry Fox and his run across Canada for cancer research are helping to build excitement. All students received a hard copy with information about the walk and how to donate, and extra copies are available in the Main Office if needed. Please plan to join us for our walk on September 28th – we’ll be leaving from the school at approx. 1:00pm and returning by dismissal time. Remember we walk rain or shine so everyone needs to dress appropriately for the weather! We’re looking forward to seeing this year’s fundraising total.
Thank you for joining us in the fight against cancer.
A reminder to all families that if you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. School Cash Online is an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/caregivers to pay for their children’s pizza days, field trips, agendas, yearbooks, etc., and all other school activities. As events occur, if they are applicable to your child, you will get an email from School Cash Online alerting you about the event and the cost. Payment can be made using a debit or credit card. To register for School Case Online please visit select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps. If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of the School Cash Online web page. You can also contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 and The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/caregivers with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account or payment issues. Please remember that our School Office is now CASHLESS and we will not be accepting cash payments. If you haven’t yet, please register for School Cash Online as soon as possible as fields trips are already being planned for some classes.
A reminder to everyone that unless students need to come into the office in the morning, all students and their families should walk around directly to the schoolyard and be prepared to line up with their classes when the bell rings. Students and their families should not be coming into the school unless there is a specific reason to do so. Families please be conscious of the fact that the office is a very busy place in the mornings and it’s not always possible for us to answer the buzzer immediately when it rings. Please support Ms. Vallely with this and let’s try and reduce the number of people coming into the building unnecessarily. Of course no changes for families coming to Superfriends in the morning. Thank you everyone for your support with this.
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