Weather permitting, our primary and junior panoramic photos for this school year are going to be taken on Monday June 4th, starting after lunch. If at all possible, please make sure all students are at school for this photo as there is no retake day. Everyone needs to bring their best smile to school on Monday. For families who are interested, information about how you can purchase a copy of this photo will be coming shortly.
Wednesday June 6th is our next, and last, Pizza Lunch for this school year. The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday – if there are any, extra slices will be available for $3.00 each but please make sure your child also has a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices cannot be guaranteed. A huge “Thank You” needs to go out to all the amazing volunteers who helped with our pizza lunches all year long – we absolutely couldn’t do it without you!! THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Our Grade 1-6 Spring Concert is fast approaching, and this year’s concert is going to be packed with excellent performances. Please make sure your calendars are marked for Thursday June 7th, at 6:00pm. Please see the attached letter for more information. All students who are performing in this concert were also given a hard copy of this letter last week. Please note that students do not need to be here at the school until at the earliest 5:45pm which is when the gym doors will also open. The weather forecast is looking like slightly cooler temperatures for this week, but we’d like to remind everyone of just how warm it can get in the gym and to please plan accordingly. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening, beginning at 6:00pm.
A reminder to everyone that this Friday – June 8th, 2018 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day.
Grab some books off your shelf and donate them to our Book Sale – Drop off in front of the office!
Make (or buy) baked goods for our Bake Sale – bring it to the Staff Room anytime on the day of the Picnic! (Nut-Free Only)
Donate your time:
Donate $40 toward costs of the Picnic (choose fund destination: Huron Street / message: Picnic for the Arts):
YOU ARE THE REASON OUR PICNIC WILL BE A SUCCESS! Join us on June 15th from 5:00-8:00pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!!!
This year, the Grade 5/6 Yearbook Club is really excited to once again complete our Huron Street Junior Public School yearbook. If you will like to order a copy of the yearbook, please sign-in to School Cash Online and make your payment. We are ordering yearbooks books based on the number of orders and there will be no extras.
Price: $10.00
Payable through cash online only!
Deadline for ordering is June 5th, 2018.
Thank you in advance!
The Grade 5/6 Yearbook Club!
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