A reminder to everyone that next Friday – February 16th, 2018 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day. Remember too that Monday February 19th is the Family Day Holiday and school is closed for the holiday. Happy Family Day everyone!
Please help us spread the word – Huron is going to be holding our KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION DAY on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13th, 2018 starting at 9:15am. Children born in 2014 should be registering for Junior Kindergarten starting in September 2018, and any children not already in Kindergarten and born in 2013 can register for Senior Kindergarten. If you are coming to register a child you need to bring the following documentation with you:
1) Child’s birth certificate or passport
2) Child’s Record of Immunization
3) Proof of your address (2 pieces – 1 needs to be a lease or property tax bill and the second a utility bill)
4) Child’s Health Card
Please note that on February 13th we will ONLY be registering children who live in the boundary area for Huron. Even if you already have another child attending Huron you MUST apply under Optional Attendance for a sibling to attend. You can get an Optional Attendance application form from the Main Office, or it is available on-line: The deadline for Optional Attendance application forms to be received is Friday February 16th, 2018.
Our Lost and Found is beginning to fill up again – and now is the time to find things, before they get buried in the collection of ‘stuff’. Winter boots and snow pants are part of the current collection, as well as the usual water bottles, lunch bags, hoodies/sweatshirts and all sort of hats, mittens/gloves, and scarves. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you.
Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday February 27th, 2018 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – and all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.
Please find attached a brochure from Alliance Francaise which outlines various programs that they offer which you might be interested in for March Break or the summertime. Hard copies of the brochure are available in the Main Office for anyone interested.
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