It’s Winter! Don’t hibernate – walk to school and celebrate! Huron’s annual Winter Walk to School Day is coming up on Wednesday February 7th, 2018. Students and families are encouraged to walk to school to promote daily physical activity, a healthier environment, safer streets, making friends and…having fun! Free hot chocolate will be served at the front of the school to welcome walkers as they arrive. Please bring a reusable mug/thermos to reduce waste! If you forget a mug, you can pay $1.00 to have your hot chocolate in a disposable cup. And check out the attached poster created by one of our student Eco-Leaders! As always, we would love to have any volunteers help us with serving or making the hot chocolate. Please contact Diana Will Stork at if you are available to help us that morning.
A reminder that Wednesday February 7th is our next Pizza Lunch. The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday – additional orders cannot be accepted at this point in time. If there are any, extra slices will be available for $3.00 each on Wednesday but please make sure your child also has a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices cannot be guaranteed.
Please help us spread the word – Huron is going to be holding our KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION DAY on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13th, 2018 starting at 9:15am. Children born in 2014 should be registering for Junior Kindergarten starting in September 2018, and any children not already in Kindergarten and born in 2013 can register for Senior Kindergarten. If you are coming to register a child you need to bring the following documentation with you:
1) Child’s birth certificate or passport
2) Child’s Record of Immunization
3) Proof of your address (2 pieces – 1 needs to be a lease or property tax bill and the second a utility bill)
4) Child’s Health Card
Please note that on February 13th we will ONLY be registering children who live in the boundary area for Huron. Even if you already have another child attending Huron you MUST apply under Optional Attendance for a sibling to attend. You can get an Optional Attendance application form from the Main Office, or it is available on-line: The deadline for Optional Attendance application forms to be received is Friday February 16th, 2018.
‘Piano Rules’ is going to be offering piano lessons here at Huron, after school on Fridays. Please see the attached flyer for more information – and contact them directly for more information or to register. Also if you’re looking for something to do on Family Day (Monday February 19th), Toronto Gymnastics International has a day of activities planned for both children and families. Check out their flyer (attached) for more information.
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