Huron Happenings – Jan. 29, 2018


JANUARY 30th, 2018

We are holding a special meeting on Tuesday, January 30th at 6:00pm in the Gym to discuss the future revitalization of Huron’s schoolyard. Please join us to discuss the big tree, the big field, tennis courts, Kindergarten space and more. We want your ideas and input. Our local Councillor Joe Cressy and our School Board Trustee Ausma Malik will both be coming. We hope to see you there! Please see the attached flier for more information and please plan to join us. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children. We hope to see you there!


On Tuesday January 30th we are looking forward to welcoming Roseneath Theatre to Huron for their performance of Birds of a Feather. The performance will start after the morning announcements (at approximately 9:15am) and is for students in Grades 1, 2 and 3. Parents and caregivers are welcome to come and join us for this performance if you are available.


It’s Winter! Don’t hibernate – walk to school and celebrate! Huron’s annual Winter Walk to School Day is coming up on Wednesday February 7th. Students and families are encouraged to walk to school to promote daily physical activity, a healthier environment, safer streets, making friends and…having fun! Free hot chocolate will be served at the front of the school to welcome walkers as they arrive. Please bring a reusable mug/thermos to reduce waste! If you forget a mug, you can pay $1.00 to have your hot chocolate in a disposable cup. And check out the attached poster created by one of our student Eco Leaders! As always, we would love to have any volunteers help us with making and serving the hot chocolate. Please contact Diana Will Stork at if you can help us out that morning.


Please help us spread the word – Huron is going to be holding our KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION DAY on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13th, 2018 starting at 9:15am. Children born in 2014 should be registering for Junior Kindergarten starting in September 2018, and any children not already in Kindergarten and born in 2013 can register for Senior Kindergarten. If you are coming to register a child you need to bring the following documentation with you:

1) Child’s birth certificate or passport
2) Child’s Record of Immunization
3) Proof of your address (2 pieces – 1 needs to be a lease or property tax bill and the second a utility bill)
4) Child’s Health Card

Please note that on February 13th we will ONLY be registering children who live in the boundary area for Huron. Even if you already have another child attending Huron you MUST apply under Optional Attendance for a sibling to attend. You can get an Optional Attendance application form from the Main Office, or it is available on-line: The deadline for Optional Attendance application forms to be received is Friday February 16th, 2018.


Please see the attached flyer from Kid’s Kitchen about their February specials. Remember that Kid’s Kitchen comes to Huron on Tuesdays and the deadline for ordering is always noon on the Monday before.
Highlights for February:
Mid-Winter Valentines Special
Chicken parmesan, Pasta with tomato sauce & a mini Vanilla cupcake
Also available in a gluten-free option.
February Special
Pasta with meatballs in our homemade tomato sauce
Available in Halal and Vegetarian options.

Huron Happenings – Jan. 22, 2018


We are excited to announce the return of our Silver Birch reading clubs. The Forest of Trees is a reading program created by the Ontario Library Association to promote Canadian authors and to get students excited about books. This year over 60 Huron Grade 3-6 students and 15 staff members are reading and discussing one of the nominated Silver Birch texts. Students who read at least 5 books before the end of April will get to vote for their favourite book. The nominated books have been recently published and written by Canadian authors. They represent a variety of genres (both fiction and non-fiction) and address a variety of reading levels. If you have any questions about this program, please contact us or visit the OLA website at!


We are holding a special meeting on Tuesday, January 30th at 6:00pm in the Gym to discuss the future revitalization of Huron’s schoolyard. Please join us to discuss the big tree, the big field, tennis courts, Kindergarten space and more. We want your ideas and input. Our local Councillor Joe Cressy will be there, and hopefully our School Board Trustee Ausma Malik. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children. We hope to see you there!


Our Huron Earth Hour for January is going to be held on Friday January 26th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


Please help us spread the word – Huron is going to be holding our KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION DAY on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13th, 2018 starting at 9:15am. Children born in 2014 should be registering for Junior Kindergarten starting in September 2018, and any children not already in Kindergarten and born in 2013 can register for Senior Kindergarten. If you are coming to register a child you need to bring the following documentation with you:

1) Child’s birth certificate or passport

2) Child’s Record of Immunization

3) Proof of your address (2 pieces – 1 needs to be a lease or property tax bill and the second a utility bill)

4) Child’s Health Card

Please note that on February 13th we will ONLY be registering children who live in the boundary area for Huron. Even if you already have another child attending Huron you MUST apply under Optional Attendance for a sibling to attend. You can get an Optional Attendance application form from the Main Office, or it is available on-line: The deadline for Optional Attendance application forms to be received is Friday February 16th, 2018.

Huron Happenings – Jan. 15, 2018


A reminder that Wednesday January 17th is our next Pizza Lunch. The pizza has already been ordered for Wednesday – if there are any, extra slices will be available for $3.00 each but please make sure your child also has a lunch on Wednesday as extra slices cannot be guaranteed.


A reminder to everyone that next Friday – Friday, January 19th, 2018 – is a PA Day. There is no school for students this day.


A reminder to everyone that unless students need to come into the office in the morning, all students and their families should walk around directly to the schoolyard and be prepared to meet their classes when the bell rings. Students and their families should not be coming into the school unless there is a reason to do so. Families please be conscious of the fact that the office is a very busy place in the mornings and it’s not always possible for us to answer the buzzer immediately when it rings. Please support Ms. Vallely with this and let’s try and reduce the number of people coming into the building unnecessarily. Of course no changes for families coming to Superfriends in the morning.

Thank you everyone for your support!

Huron Happenings – Jan. 8, 2018


Thank you so much to our very generous Huron School Community. We are pleased to tell you that just before the holidays we raised $987.50 through our ‘Milk and Cookie’ fundraiser. This money will be given to the Toronto Foundation for Student Success. Thanks again to everyone for your support.


A reminder that Wednesday January 17th is our next Pizza Lunch – in two weeks, not next week.


Please see the attached flyer from Kid’s Kitchen about their January specials. Remember that Kid’s Kitchen comes to Huron on Tuesdays and the deadline for ordering is always noon on the Monday before. Preview of January Specials:
Turkey or Vegetable chili served with mini whole wheat pitas (Gluten-free option available)
Chicken teriyaki with steamed rice
And back by popular request from customers – we will be adding the Grilled Cheese sandwich to our everyday menu.


Greetings! We’re happy to announce that the Huron Chess Club for students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 is starting up again after school on Tuesday January 16th, 2018. Chess Institute of Canada is a TDSB education partner and a registered charity whose mission is to improve the lives of children by using chess as a vehicle to cultivate the development of essential life skills. CIC uses the highly engaging Chess World Curriculum, teaching children creative problem solving skills, pattern recognition, goal setting, self-reflection, and confidence in a fun and stimulating learning environment. CIC programs are taught in schools and community centres throughout the GTA. The cost of the 12-week program is $156 and online registration is available at Just click on “Chess Clubs” and search for Huron in the “Club Look-up” section beneath the buttons. Please feel free to reach out to CIC Operations Manager Marcus Wilker or Outreach Coordinator Katya Rudzik if you have any questions and they will be happy to help.


Are you looking for accessibility to high quality arts programming? Scholarships are available for those who qualify! For more information go to or call the Arts Access Fund at 416-961-1502 x 303. The Arts Access Fund is a registered charitable organization that partners with arts institutions around the city of Toronto and offers scholarships to children and youth who have the interest, but not the means, to pursue artistic excellence under the guidance of professional artists.