Huron Happenings – Dec. 18, 2017


Monday December 18th, 2017 is the last day for our non-perishable food items collection for the Walmer Road Food Bank. Our very generous school community has already filled approximately 10 boxes that were delivered to the Food Bank on Friday. Thank you so much! Boxes for non-perishable food donations will be in the main foyer on Monday and any more donations will also be taken to Walmer Road Food Bank to assist families that live in our local community.


Huron is having a Milk and Cookie Fund Raiser for the Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS) on Wednesday December 20th, 2017. The TFSS mission is to remove barriers for children so that every child is nourished and able to learn. By providing food, medical care, emergency funds and after school programs for children in need, we help them succeed in school. More information about TFSS can be found at:
All proceeds from our “Milk and Cookie” fundraiser will support the TFSS. Your donation of $5.00 (or more) will be greatly received and appreciated. Donations can be made through School Cash Online, or cash will be collected from students on Wednesday. All Huron Students will receive one delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookie (gluten free/nut free) and one carton of white milk (a non-dairy alternative will also be available if needed). Let the spirit of the season begin!!!


Our Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long will be on Thursday December 21st, 2017 starting at approximately 9:20am. Come and join all of us, along with Ms. Hanson as she ‘tickles the ivories’, and leads 400+ voices in song. Our Sing-A-Long is definitely a highlight of our school year – please join us if you can.


We have decided to have “Elf Yourself Day” on two days this week, to correspond with two different events happening at school. Students (and adults) are all encouraged to dress in their holiday finest and/or new School Spirit Wear on either, or both, of Wednesday, December 20th and Thursday December 21st. Wednesday will be our “Milk and Cookie / Elf Yourself Day” and Thursday will be our “Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long / Elf Yourself Day”.


Our Huron Earth Hour for December is going to be held on Friday December 22nd from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


A reminder that ALL ITEMS in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity during out winter holidays. The last day for you to ‘find’ items that belong in your household will be Friday December 22nd – when we come back to school again in January Lost and Found will be empty! Lost and Found items will be in the structure in the front foyer as well as on the tables in the front hallway outside the Main Office. Please make sure you are checking regularly, all week long.

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