Huron Happenings – Nov. 27, 2017


A reminder to everyone that next Friday – Friday, December 1st, 2017 – is a PA Day and there is no school for students this day.


Est-ce que tu aimes les surprises?

Aimes-tu les surprises avec des biscuits?

Tu peux surprendre tes amis et tes enseignants à Huron avec un « Surprise-Cookie-o-Gram »!

Un « Surprise-Cookie-o-Gram » est un cadeau que tu peux envoyer à quelqu’un qui apprend ou qui enseigne à notre école Huron.

Les « Surprise-Cookie-o-Grams » coûtent seulement un dollar et tu peux les acheter la semaine prochaine (le 27 novembre au 30 novembre) pendant le déjeuner (chaque jour, 12h – 12h20).

Nous allons distribuer les biscuits dans les salles de classes avant les vacances d’hiver (le 11 décembre au 15 décembre).

Et…nous allons utiliser la somme recueillie pour acheter des dictionnaires pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français à Huron.


French Dictionary Fundraiser

Do you like surprises?

Do you like surprises with cookies?

You can surprise your friends and teachers at Huron with a “Surprise-Cookie-o-Gram”!

A “Surprise-Cookie-o-Gram” is a gift that you can send to someone who learns or works at Huron.

The “Surprise-Cookie-o-Grams” only cost one dollar and you can buy them next week (November 27 – November 30) during lunch time (12:00 – 12:20 each day).

The cookies are going to be delivered in classrooms before the winter break (December 11 to December 15).

And…the funds will go towards buying dictionaries for the students learning French at Huron.

Thank you!


Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday November 28th, 2017 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – and all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.

And again a little nudge to anyone who is able to consider being our Secretary, or better yet Co-Secretary for the meetings. It’s truly not a hard job, and we even have a template for all of our meeting minutes, so all you need to do is fill in the template.

We know how hard it can be for anyone to commit to attending all meetings – hence why having two people co-share the job makes it much more manageable.

School Council really does need this support so please give it some thought.


As the weather changes we know from experience that the amount of clothing in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as coats (and perhaps hats and gloves etc.) are removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you.

And an early reminder that everything in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity over the winter holidays so you must claim items that belong to you over the next few weeks. Lost and Found will be empty when we return to school in January after the holidays.

Huron Happenings – Nov. 20, 2017


A reminder to everyone that unless students need to come into the office in the morning, all students and their families should walk around directly to the schoolyard and be prepared to meet classes when the bell rings. Students and their families should not be coming into the school unless there is a reason to do so. As you know, the office is a very busy place in the mornings and it’s not always possible for us to answer the buzzer immediately when it rings. Please support Ms. Vallely with this and let’s try and reduce the number of people ringing the doorbell in the morning. Of course no changes for families coming to Superfriends in the morning.


Our Huron Earth Hour for November is going to be held on Friday November 24th from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our commitment to being a Platinum Level Eco-School, this is an opportunity for our school community, every month, to focus on ways we can reduce our energy consumption. We turn off as many lights as we can and power down/turn off as many electronics as possible. Classrooms use this time for discussions and planning. We would encourage Huron families to think about engaging in similar activities at home as well.


Our next School Council Meeting will be happening on Tuesday November 28th, 2017 at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza will be available for children – and all parents/caregivers are welcome to attend the meeting and be a part of the discussions.

Again a little nudge to anyone who is able to consider being our Secretary, or better yet Co-Secretary for the meetings. It’s truly not a hard job, and we even have a template for all of our meeting minutes, so all you need to do is fill in the template.

We know how hard it can be for anyone to commit to attending all meetings – hence why having two people co-share the job makes it much more manageable. School Council really does need this support so please give it some thought

Huron Happenings – Nov. 13, 2017


Don’t forget that Friday November 17th, 2017 is a PA Day and there will be no school for students on Friday.


We’re getting there – we’re now at 87.10% of our families registered for School Cash Online. Well done community! That is definitely something to be proud of – but our goal is 100%, so if you haven’t yet signed up for School Cash Online please do so as soon as possible. Remember that payment for all school activities, fields trips, fundraisers, spirit wear etc. will eventually need to be made through School Cash Online so please do register as soon as you can. During this transition time it is still possible to make payments for some activities using cash or cheque, but eventually School Cash Online will be the only option so we would encourage the remaining 12.90% of our families to get registered.


Our first “Prologue” performance for this school year is Tribal Vision Dance. It will be on Wednesday November 15th at 9:15am for students in Grades 1-6. Parents/Caregivers, if you are available please come and join us on Wednesday morning to see this special performance.

Huron Happenings – Nov. 6, 2017


Treaties Recognition Week is the first week of November every year. Treaties Recognition Week was introduced in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties and to support Ontarians to learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships.

During Treaties Recognition Week we recognize the treaties that shape Ontario and Canada and bring awareness to treaty rights and treaty relationships.

To mark the inaugural Treaties Recognition Week last year, the Ontario Government and Indigenous partners launched a dedicated online treaties resource library – featuring educational guides, videos and tools developed by Indigenous organizations for everyone across the province.


The fall term marches on! In the Music Room, the pupils from Rooms 22, 23, 24 & 25 have been using technology to work with a composition website. After this week, they will not be required to bring in their electronic devices, as most pupils are nearing completion or this project.

For both primary and junior choirs, lyrics and rehearsal track mp3s are posted on the Music Room wiki found here:

Recorder music for pupils in rooms 22 & 23 will be posted by November 10 here:

Thank you for your ongoing support of all music activities at Huron.

Ms. Hanson


The photography company will be here again on Wednesday November 8th at 9:00am to take individual photos for students who were absent on our first photo day, and to take class photos for classes that were missing students due to the soccer tournament that was happening on the same day.

If your child had photos taken on the original photo day and you would like retakes that can be accommodated on Wednesday as well. Please return the original photo card that you received and these photo retakes will also happen on Wednesday.


Huron will be having our Remembrance Day Ceremony on Friday, November 10th, beginning after morning recess (at approx. 10:45am). All parents/caregivers are welcome to join us for this ceremony if you are available.


As the weather changes we know from experience that the amount of clothing (and there’s plenty of other items as well such as: helmets, baseball gloves, lunch bags, water bottles, umbrellas, etc.) in Lost and Found seems to increase dramatically, as coats (and perhaps hats and gloves etc.) are removed when the students get hot playing outside…and then not always reclaimed. Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer frequently and take home items that belong to you. Unfortunately we have also had a few situations recently when items that were in Lost and Found are no longer there, and unfortunately they did not get picked up by the proper owner. Please, let’s all work together to make sure that Lost and Found items have a chance to be claimed by their rightful owners.


Please see the attached flyer from Kid’s Kitchen – the program that operates a lunch program here at Huron on Tuesdays. A reminder from them that their November Specials are: Meat lasagna (regular and gluten-friendly) or Vegetable lasagna or Turkey burger. Please see the attached flyer for more information about their program and how to register.

Poppies for Huron students and community

Again this year, the Royal Canadian Legion (Queen’s Own) Branch 344 has very generously given to our school poppies, and special poppy stickers, for all students to wear at our Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 10th.

Every year, The Royal Canadian Legion conducts the Poppy campaign, along with thousands of their members who volunteer from coast to coast to coast, to raise funds in support of Veterans and their families. Poppies are distributed freely, but your generous donations are invaluable.

For more information about the Poppy Campaign please visit:

We would like to encourage all Huron students to bring a donation for their poppy on Friday. All donations will be collected and given to the Royal Canadian Legion.

Additionally, for all community members, there is also a Poppy Box on the counter in the Main Office. We invite everyone to show their recognition by wearing this symbol of Remembrance and taking a moment to reflect.

And if you are available, please plan to join us for our Remembrance Day Ceremony on Friday November 10th, beginning at approx. 10:45am.

Desperately needing lunchroom supervisors!!

Dear Huron Community:

Huron is desperately looking for Lunchroom Supervisors right now, both to act in an “on call” situation (we would call you if one of our permanent lunchroom supervisors is away and you can always say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to working that day depending on if you’re available or not), plus we are also looking for someone who is available to work 5 days a week!

The Lunchroom Supervisor position is from approx. 11:45am to 1:00pm although timing can sometimes vary by 5 or 10 minutes.

The process for possible employment, although quite easy, does take a little bit of time, and given that our need is quite urgent right now we’d like to get started with anyone interested as soon as possible.

Our need is great so if you, or someone you know, might be able to help out in either capacity please contact the school (416-393-1570) and let us know.

Thank you so much for giving this some consideration – and for helping us spread the word to others who might be available and interested.

QSP – keep those orders coming

Thanks to everyone who has supported our QSP Magazine Fundraiser, with proceeds going to classroom literacy supplies.

So far you’ve helped raise more than $3000.00 online! And while our official campaign ends today — a reminder to please return order forms to the school (by the end of the week please) so these totals can be included with the rest.

Remember that you can still shop online until December 31, with all sales supporting Huron when you use the online ID 3721180. Visit to see all the great gift ideas available.

Thanks everyone for your amazing support!