We would like to wish everyone in the Huron community a safe and healthy long weekend and HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Remember that school is closed on Monday for the holiday – we’ll see all students again on Tuesday October 10th.
Please make sure your calendars are marked for Tuesday October 17th – our PHOTO DAY! Individual and class photos will be taken on the 17th so make sure everyone has their best smile at school that day.
As you know, Huron is a PLATINUM LEVEL Eco-School and we are very proud of our accomplishments in this area. Select staff members have volunteered to guide student leaders in our various eco-initiatives throughout the year, and there’s lots of opportunity for parent/caregiver involvement as well – particularly when we have special ‘themed’ activity days such as “Walk to School Day” etc., we always need extra adult hands to help out. Our monthly “Huron Earth Hours” will continue for the 2017/2018 school year. This initiative is a take-off from the Global Earth Hour which is held every April, with “Huron Earth Hours” being held on the last Friday of every month, in the time period between afternoon recess and dismissal. As a school community we are always trying to reduce our energy consumption and for this hour every month we really target our actions in this area. We would like to encourage all families in our school community to try similar activities at home as well. “Waste Reduction Week” is coming up October 16-20 and we will be using this as a springboard to look at ways we can reduce our waste here at the school. A special area of focus throughout the year is going to be reducing the waste (all types – landfill, recycling and compost) in our lunchroom programs. We encourage all students to bring their lunches in reusable containers and in lunchbags – not plastic bags please.
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