Due to the rain last Friday we are going to try and hold our “Right to Play” day on Monday June 26th, in the morning. Right to Play is a charitable organization which uses the power of play to educate and empower children around the world. They focus on creating changes in three main areas: quality education, peaceful communities and health practices. The morning of Monday June 26th Huron is holding a “Right to Play” day. Games will be taught by the grade 6 students to students in Kindergarten to Grade 5. All students will be participating, and we’re hoping that students will consider bringing a $2 donation for the charity (Right to Play) on the day of the event. For more information about “Right to Play” please check out their website: http://www.righttoplay.ca
Huron has once again qualified as a Platinum EcoSchool – the highest environmental certification level! The auditors were particularly impressed with our student and classroom leadership, which is why we thank our Eco Leadership Team (9 students, 7 staff, and 2 Eco parents) and Eco Classroom reps (at least two in every grade 1-6 classroom). Our school also was commended for its recent school greening initiatives (have you seen our veggie garden and new front sign?), partnerships (such as the input our primary students offered in the revitalisation of Huron Park), the level of EcoLiteracy in teaching (with whole classes taking on waste audits as data management opportunities), and the shared approach of students, families and staff in supporting the EcoSchool program. Way to go Huron!
This year, Huron participated in Heart & Stroke Jump Rope for Heart. Together, we raised $2873.00 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation – thanks to your support! Supporting kids’ health for more than 35 years, the Heart and Stroke Foundation encourages kids to get active while they collect pledges for heart disease and stroke research, education and advocacy initiatives. “Jump Rope for Heart” is meant to be a fun and inclusive way to promote healthy choices and getting active. On June 12th all our students engaged in different skipping and jumping stations led by over 30 grade 5/6 student leaders. Our school also earned new physical education equipment through the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s HeartSmartTM Points Program.
We hope that your child’s experience with the JUMP program will help them on their way to embracing a lifetime of healthy living as well as the importance of helping others. We thank you again for your generosity for those that were able to fundraise and to everyone for helping to foster these values of health in your own homes, within your own families. Mr. D’Onofrio, Ms. Will Stork, and our Grade 6 Leaders (Nova, Allan, Henry, Emilia, Abigail, Rowan)
Special note:
- Prizes will be distributed to students on Monday. If your child received a bonus online fundraising gift card, you should have received an email notification (please check your SPAM or Junk Mail if you have not received it).
- For more information on the difference your donations are making, please go to: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/our-impact
This is it – everyone’s last week to collect all your belongings from the school and take them home! Everything that is left at school will be donated to a charity the first week in July so don’t leave anything at school. As classrooms are being cleaned out, ‘new’ items are being added to our Lost and Found collection in the front foyer on a daily basis. Make sure you check regularly.
A reminder to everyone that Thursday June 29th, 2017 is the last day of school for students. Friday is a PA Day. We hope that everyone has a happy, healthy and safe summer that is full of fun!
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