To all Grade 1-6 Parents/Caregivers:
The Huron Spring concert is this Thursday, June 1st, starting at 6:00pm. There will be an intermission and the concert will likely run until about 7:30-7:45pm.
Here is a list of performers, in concert order, and rooms where each of the ensembles will be meeting before their performances:
1. Band – meet in Room 10 at 5:45pm
2. Room 19 – meet in Room 6 at 5:45pm
3. Room 24 Recorders – meet in the Library at 6:00pm
4. Junior Choir – meet in Room 6 at 5:45pm
5. Rooms 9, 17 & 18 meet in Room 18 at 5:45pm
6. Room 25 recorders – meet in the Library at 6:30pm
7. Primary Choir – meet in Room 6 at 6:15pm
8. Strings – meet in Room 10 at 6:45pm
Please note that for the instrumentalists, the call time is early enough to allow their director to tune them up sufficiently. There is no need for anyone to come earlier than the times listed above.
All performers should bring a good book or quiet game to pass time while they are waiting before their ensemble performs.
After the concert, students who play a musical instrument are welcome to leave their instruments at the school until the next day. The instruments should be brought to the office so they can be stored safely overnight. No instruments should be left in the gym, the Library or in a classroom.
If a child is in more than one ensemble, they should go to the room of the ensemble that is on earliest in the programme.
Performers should go to their ‘ready room’ at the times listed above, and they will go back to the ‘ready room’ again after they perform. Parents/caregivers, please be sure to pick up your entertainers from all ‘ready rooms’ at the end of either half of the concert. Students in who perform in the first half of the concert should be picked up from the specified rooms at intermission.
Dress for all performers, unless otherwise specified by the ensemble director, is concert lights and darks – if possible, no jeans, please. This is a very special evening, and we want the children to feel the importance of the occasion.
Choirs and recorder ensembles can practise on their own in advance of the concert. Sheet music, lyrics and accompaniment mp3s are all found at these links:
We look forward to seeing you in the audience on Thursday night.
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