Huron Happenings – June 26, 2017


Due to the rain last Friday we are going to try and hold our “Right to Play” day on Monday June 26th, in the morning. Right to Play is a charitable organization which uses the power of play to educate and empower children around the world. They focus on creating changes in three main areas: quality education, peaceful communities and health practices. The morning of Monday June 26th Huron is holding a “Right to Play” day. Games will be taught by the grade 6 students to students in Kindergarten to Grade 5. All students will be participating, and we’re hoping that students will consider bringing a $2 donation for the charity (Right to Play) on the day of the event. For more information about “Right to Play” please check out their website:


Huron has once again qualified as a Platinum EcoSchool – the highest environmental certification level! The auditors were particularly impressed with our student and classroom leadership, which is why we thank our Eco Leadership Team (9 students, 7 staff, and 2 Eco parents) and Eco Classroom reps (at least two in every grade 1-6 classroom). Our school also was commended for its recent school greening initiatives (have you seen our veggie garden and new front sign?), partnerships (such as the input our primary students offered in the revitalisation of Huron Park), the level of EcoLiteracy in teaching (with whole classes taking on waste audits as data management opportunities), and the shared approach of students, families and staff in supporting the EcoSchool program. Way to go Huron!


This year, Huron participated in Heart & Stroke Jump Rope for Heart. Together, we raised $2873.00 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation – thanks to your support! Supporting kids’ health for more than 35 years, the Heart and Stroke Foundation encourages kids to get active while they collect pledges for heart disease and stroke research, education and advocacy initiatives. “Jump Rope for Heart” is meant to be a fun and inclusive way to promote healthy choices and getting active. On June 12th all our students engaged in different skipping and jumping stations led by over 30 grade 5/6 student leaders. Our school also earned new physical education equipment through the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s HeartSmartTM Points Program.

We hope that your child’s experience with the JUMP program will help them on their way to embracing a lifetime of healthy living as well as the importance of helping others. We thank you again for your generosity for those that were able to fundraise and to everyone for helping to foster these values of health in your own homes, within your own families. Mr. D’Onofrio, Ms. Will Stork, and our Grade 6 Leaders (Nova, Allan, Henry, Emilia, Abigail, Rowan)

Special note:

- Prizes will be distributed to students on Monday. If your child received a bonus online fundraising gift card, you should have received an email notification (please check your SPAM or Junk Mail if you have not received it).

- For more information on the difference your donations are making, please go to:


This is it – everyone’s last week to collect all your belongings from the school and take them home! Everything that is left at school will be donated to a charity the first week in July so don’t leave anything at school. As classrooms are being cleaned out, ‘new’ items are being added to our Lost and Found collection in the front foyer on a daily basis. Make sure you check regularly.


A reminder to everyone that Thursday June 29th, 2017 is the last day of school for students. Friday is a PA Day. We hope that everyone has a happy, healthy and safe summer that is full of fun!

Huron Happenings – June 19, 2017


Our last School Council meeting for this school year is on Tuesday June 20th, 2017 at 6:00pm. This is typically a shorter meeting, with the main agenda item being an update on our incredibly wonderful Picnic For the Arts. All parents/caregivers are invited and welcome to attend School Council meetings. Please plan to join us if you’re interested. There will be babysitting and pizza available for children.


Again this year, YoYo’s Yogurt Cafe is partnering with Huron School for a fundraising evening. Please see the attached flier for more information, additionally a separate email has been sent to our Huron community. We’re looking forward to seeing lots of Huron families and friends at YoYo’s (417 Bloor Street West) from 3:30pm until closing on Thursday June 22nd, 2017.


“Right to Play” is a charitable organization which uses the power of play to educate and empower children around the world. They focus on creating changes in three main areas: quality education, peaceful communities and health practices. The morning of Friday June 23rd, 2017 Huron is holding our annual “Right to Play” Day. Games will be taught by the grade 6 students to students in Kindergarten to Grade 5. Students are asked to bring a $2 donation for the charity on the day of the event. For more information about “Right to Play” please check out:


Huron’s June Earth Hour will be held on Friday June 23rd from 2:20-3:20pm. As we do every month, this is an opportunity for everyone in our school community to really think about energy conservation by turning off our lights and powering down as many electronics as we can. We also encourage all Huron families to have a similar focused hour at your homes each month as well.


This week we will start to spread out our Lost and Found collection onto tables in the first floor hallway, as well as in the Lost and Found structure in the front foyer. Please continue to check Lost and Found regularly and take home items that belong to you. As classrooms are being cleaned-up at the end of the school year more and more items will be ‘found’ and brought to the Lost and Found area – so please check Lost and Found daily. A reminder to everyone that all items left in the Lost and Found at the end of the school year will be donated to a charity so please make sure you have claimed all items that belong to your family by June 30th.

Huron Happenings – June 12, 2017


Our rescheduled “Jump Rope for Heart” event is going to be on Monday June 12th beginning at 10:30am.

Help us with our FUNdraising Challenge!

Monday June 12th is our Jump Rope for Heart Event Day! Be sure to reach out to family and friends for donations. Every donation helps us to reach our fundraising goal and to help save lives.

Online fundraising is a quick and easy way to receive donations. Go to http://www.jumpropeforheart.caand register today! Online donations of $20.00 or more receive an automatic tax receipt. Plus, when students receive their first online donation (of any amount), they will receive a $5 kick-start and a free skipping rope* from the Heart & Stroke Foundation! Every dollar that is donated helps support Heart and Stroke’s mission to keep all kids healthy and create more survivors.

Thank you to our 6 student coordinators and the over 30 grade 5 and 6 captains who are leading jumping activities. Students from grades 1-6 will be outside from 10:30-11:10am with a heart-full spirit. You are welcome to join in the fun and heart-healthy activities.


Thank you to all parents/caregivers for your support all year long of our various ECO-initiatives. The auditing team from TDSB Eco-Schools is going to be here at Huron on Monday afternoon and this audit will determine our Eco-School status for next year. Of course we’re hoping to maintain our Platinum Status – and we’d like to give lots of thanks to the staff supervisors and our ECO-Club members for all of their hard work throughout the year.


Mark sure your calendars are marked for our “Picnic For The Arts” which is coming up on Friday June 16th from 5:00-8:00pm. You’ve received lots of information about it already – thank you to everyone for all your help and support and we look forward to everyone that evening. It’s going to be lots of fun – don’t miss it!


We’re repeating the title because the collection is continuing to grow, and grow and grow!! A reminder that everything in Lost and Found will be donated to a charity once school finishes, so it’s really important that you are checking Lost and Found regularly (‘new’ items are added all the time) and that you take home anything that belongs to you.

Picnic for the Arts – WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!


Are you planning to visit the Picnic for the Arts this Friday from 5-8pm?

Can you spare an hour?

We DESPERATELY need more volunteers – without you, we will have to close down activities like the bouncy castles, popcorn & cotton candy, etc. before the end.


Please volunteer – we need these 1-hour slots filled:

- 5 slots for 5-6pm

- 9 slots for 6-7pm

- 10 slots for 7-8pm

- Clean up – as many as we can :)


Thank you for your support!

Huron Happenings – June 5, 2017


Help us with our FUNdraising Challenge! Tuesday June 6th is our Jump Rope for Heart Event Day! Be sure to reach out to family and friends for donations. Every donation helps us to reach our fundraising goal and to help save lives. Online fundraising is a quick and easy way to receive donations. Go to and register today! Online donors receive an automatic tax receipt (minimum donation for a tax receipt is $20.00). Plus, when students receive their first online donation (of any amount), they will receive a $5 kick-start and a free skipping rope from the Heart & Stroke Foundation! Every dollar that is donated helps support Heart and Stroke’s mission to keep all kids healthy and create more survivors.
All students also have a pledge envelope for cash/cheque donations. The pledge envelopes can be returned any day next week – we’d like them all back by Thursday please.

Thank you to our 6 student coordinators and the over 30 Grade 5 and 6 Captains who are leading jumping activities. Students from grades 1-6 will be outside from 2:20-2:55pm (and Kindergarten classes have also been invited to come and join in at whatever level is appropriate for them) with a heart-full spirit. You are welcome to join in the fun and heart-healthy activities, so bring your running/skipping shoes and come and join us on Tuesday afternoon.


Our 2016/2017 school YEARBOOK is on sale now. Students will be bringing home a hard copy of the order form, and a copy is attached for your reference as well. The yearbooks cost $10.00 and you must pre-order to receive a copy. Make sure your order form is returned to the office by Thursday June 8th – we will be printing the yearbooks the following week and we will only print the number that have been pre-ordered. All students, any grade level, are welcome to order a yearbook. Our Yearbook Club, under the direction of Ms. Aveling, has been hard at work on the yearbook and we know you’re going to enjoy it. Don’t forget to get your order in by June 8th.


The panoramic school photos for this year are going to be taken on Monday June 5th, starting right after lunch. We take two photos – one of the primary grades and one of the junior grades. You will be able to purchase a copy of the panoramic photo(s) if you want, and of course a copy will hang on the wall in the school. Fingers crossed that it’s not pouring rain as we do not have a rain date for these photographs to be taken, and please note that we will go ahead even in light rain, Make sure everyone dresses appropriately to be outside on Monday.


Our June Pizza Lunch is going to be on Wednesday June 7th, and this is our last pizza lunch for this school year. Any extra slices that we have will be sold on Wednesday for $2.00/each, but do remember that the number of extra slices is sometimes limited, so please make sure that students who have not pre-ordered pizza bring a lunch that day just in case. On behalf of the entire Huron School Community we would like to extend an enormous THANK YOU to all the parent/caregiver volunteers who have helped to make our pizza lunches such a success this year. We couldn’t do it without you!


Make sure your calendars are marked – Friday June 9th, 2017 is a PA Day and there is NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS on Friday.


A reminder to everyone that at the end of the school year, everything that is Lost and Found will be donated to a charity, so it is very important that all families claim the things that belong to you over the next few weeks. Please continue to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer regularly as new items are added to it on a daily basis. Each of the cubby holes now contains several layers of found clothing, water bottles, lunch bags, umbrellas, helmets, shoes, boots, and various other items.

Huron Happenings – May 29, 2017


Our next School Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday May 30th, 2017, at 6:00pm, here at Huron. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend; babysitting and pizza will be available for children.


(for students in Grades 1 – 6)

Our Primary and Junior Choirs, Band, String Orchestra and select classes are looking forward to performing for you on Thursday June 1st, 2017, beginning at 6:00pm. More information and specifics about the concert will be coming in a separate email and we hope to see many of you in the audience that night.


Our 2016/2017 school year panoramic photos are going to be taken on Monday June 5th, after lunch in the afternoon. One photo will be of the primary grades and the second photo will be of the junior grades. There is no rain date for this photo, so fingers crossed for good weather and it would be wonderful to have everyone in attendance that afternoon so they can be in the photo. Each of the two photos will be available for families to purchase if you want.


Don’t forget that our “Jump Rope for Heart” event is on Tuesday June 6th in the afternoon (weather permitting) in the big field. Please keep going with the excellent fundraising efforts – remember all money raised goes to support the Heart and Stroke Foundation. All students have received a pledge envelope (and extras are available at school) and on-line fundraising is an option as well.


A separate email will be sent with more information, and don’t forget to let the school know if you are interested in attending the “Guided Conversation about Equity” on Tuesday June 6th, at 6:30pm.

A minimum number of workshop participates in required in order for the evening to go ahead – so please RSVP to the school (416-393-1570) by Thursday June 1st if you are planning to attend.


All of the cubbies in our Lost and Found structure are now several layers deep with lost and found items, so when you check please really dig through for things that might be at the bottom. At the end of the school year everything in our Lost and Found will be donated to a charity, so please continue to check on a regular basis and take home items that belong to you.


We would like to extend a special THANK YOU to everyone in our school community who donated clothing to help those in need in our local community. The support was overwhelming – and very much appreciated!! And thanks also to the organizer and those who helped with delivery of the clothing!

Spring Concert

To all Grade 1-6 Parents/Caregivers:

The Huron Spring concert is this Thursday, June 1st, starting at 6:00pm. There will be an intermission and the concert will likely run until about 7:30-7:45pm.

Here is a list of performers, in concert order, and rooms where each of the ensembles will be meeting before their performances:

1. Band – meet in Room 10 at 5:45pm

2. Room 19 – meet in Room 6 at 5:45pm

3. Room 24 Recorders – meet in the Library at 6:00pm

4. Junior Choir – meet in Room 6 at 5:45pm

5. Rooms 9, 17 & 18 meet in Room 18 at 5:45pm


6. Room 25 recorders – meet in the Library at 6:30pm

7. Primary Choir – meet in Room 6 at 6:15pm

8. Strings – meet in Room 10 at 6:45pm

Please note that for the instrumentalists, the call time is early enough to allow their director to tune them up sufficiently. There is no need for anyone to come earlier than the times listed above.

All performers should bring a good book or quiet game to pass time while they are waiting before their ensemble performs.

After the concert, students who play a musical instrument are welcome to leave their instruments at the school until the next day. The instruments should be brought to the office so they can be stored safely overnight. No instruments should be left in the gym, the Library or in a classroom.

If a child is in more than one ensemble, they should go to the room of the ensemble that is on earliest in the programme.

Performers should go to their ‘ready room’ at the times listed above, and they will go back to the ‘ready room’ again after they perform. Parents/caregivers, please be sure to pick up your entertainers from all ‘ready rooms’ at the end of either half of the concert. Students in who perform in the first half of the concert should be picked up from the specified rooms at intermission.

Dress for all performers, unless otherwise specified by the ensemble director, is concert lights and darks – if possible, no jeans, please. This is a very special evening, and we want the children to feel the importance of the occasion.

Choirs and recorder ensembles can practise on their own in advance of the concert. Sheet music, lyrics and accompaniment mp3s are all found at these links:

We look forward to seeing you in the audience on Thursday night.