It’s that time of year again, when Track and Field practices have started for all interested students in Grades 4, 5 and 6. Because there are so many Track and Field events, with practices happening at so many different times each day – these practices are not listed in Huron Happenings otherwise it would become a very lengthy document. Students involved in any Track and Field event have received information about when their event will be practicing. Additional, there is a schedule of all practices for the week (April 18-21) posted on the window by the Office (and this will be updated each week), and all Grade 4, 5 and 6 teachers also have this schedule in their classrooms. Announcements will also be made in the mornings about upcoming practices. If your son/daughter is a Track and Field athlete encourage them to be independent and responsible about knowing when they have practices. And you can mark your calendars for Wednesday May 10th at Birchmount Stadium – this is the first Track and Field event when Huron usually has about 50+ athletes competing.
All classes at Huron, Kindergarten to Grade 6, will be participating in the City of Toronto’s “School Clean-Up Day” on Friday April 21st, 2017. This is an annual event, held just in advance of Earth Day which is April 22nd, 2017. Everyone at Huron will be involved in helping to clean-up our school grounds and some areas in the local community. Every class has an assigned area, and each class will spend some time on Friday cleaning up that area. Your child’s teacher will be able to tell you more about their specific area and time they will be doing the cleaning – and all parents/caregivers are very welcome to come and help. This is a wonderful opportunity for adults and our children and youth to work together on reinforcing the importance of caring for our environment.
A reminder to all parents and caregivers in our Huron community that everyone is welcome to attend our School Council meetings – and the next one is scheduled for Tuesday April 25th at 6:00pm.
Please always remember to look ahead at the section entitled “Future Dates for your Calendar” and mark your calendars as needed. A few dates to draw to your attention at this time: Monday May 1st is Music Monday and Ms. Hanson is busy planning the celebration that Huron will have to acknowledge the importance of music and music education. For more information about Music Monday please check out: and you can also practice the Music Monday anthem Sing It Together which we will all be singing that day. All parents/caregivers are invited to join in our celebration that day – specific time to be announced soon. Our annual Spring Concerts are coming up! If you have a child in KINDERGARTEN, please mark Thursday May 18th, 2017 on your calendar. If you have a child in GRADE 1-6, please mark Thursday June 1st on your calendar. Both concerts will start at 6:00pm. Our panoramic school photos are going to be taking on Monday June 5th, 2017 in the afternoon. We want as many students as possible to be present for the photos that afternoon (there are no retakes) so please try not to schedule dentist or doctor’s appointments that afternoon.
Please remember to check our Lost and Found structure in the front foyer regularly and take home items that belong to you. It’s quite amazing how much stuff has accumulated even since March Break – so please keep checking and claiming.
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