Again this year we are pleased to let you know that a Sight and Sound Clinic (Vision and Hearing screening) is planning to be held here at the school. Please see the attached fliers and below for more information.
Last week all students were given a hard copy of the registration form to take home, and extra copies are available at the school office. The deadline to return the form, if you would like your child to participate, is Friday March 10th, 2017. After March Break we will let you know if we have sufficient numbers for the clinic to run at Huron.
The Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS), a registered charitable foundation of TDSB, is offering a vision and hearing screening at Huron Street Jr. P.S.. The vision screening includes tests for visual acuity, colour blindness, depth perception and strabismus (eye turning in/out). The vision and hearing screenings are conducted by trained International Medical Graduates (IMG) and certified Communicative Disorder Assistants. A nominal fee is charged to cover the services administrative costs.
If a problem is detected at the screening, a note will be sent home to direct you to health care professionals for further evaluation, proper care and follow through.
The vision and hearing screening services are optional. If you are interested in having your child screened, please complete and sign registration form (all students took home a copy last week) and return it to school by Friday March 10th, 2017. Please note that for a clinic to run at the school, a minimum of 25 students registered is required. Pending the required number of registered students, our vision and hearing screening is scheduled on Tuesday April 4th, 2017. Extra copies of the registration form are available at the school office.
For your additional information, for children 19 years and below, OHIP covers the cost of the eye examination by the Optometrist once a year.
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