On Monday, February 13th, Ballet Creole will be coming to perform for our Grade 4, 5 and 6 students. The performance will begin at approximately 1:00pm. Parents/caregivers who are available at this time and would like to join us for this performance are very welcome to attend.
All students in Grades 1-6 will be bringing home their first Report Card for this school year on Tuesday, February 14th, 2017. This Report Card reflects all the work that your child has done so far this school year, from September to the end of January.
Students in Junior Kindergarten will be receiving a Junior Kindergarten Summary Report, also on Tuesday, February 14th, 2017.
At this time of year students in Senior Kindergarten are not receiving a written report however your child’s teachers may be contacting you to arrange for an interview to discuss the progress your child is making.
Over the next couple of weeks, teachers will also be conducting Parent/Caregiver/Teacher interviews. Teachers may be contacting you to arrange for an interview and as always, if parents/caregivers would like to meet with your child’s teacher please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher and arrange for a time.
In order to try and reduce the number of lost Library books from our school Library, we like to take this opportunity, mid-way through the school year, to let families know if there are, at this point in time, Library books that are overdue to be returned. As you can imagine, the replacement costs for lost Library books can really add up, so the school very much appreciates the extra time you give to looking for overdue Library books and if possible, supporting us towards the cost of replacing the book if it is indeed lost. If your child has any overdue Library books you will be receiving a notification during this upcoming week and once again, we appreciate your support in trying to find as many of these books as possible.
A reminder to everyone that Friday February 17th, 2017 is a PA Day, and Monday February 20th, 2017 is a holiday, so there will be NO SCHOOL for students on either of these days. We hope that everyone has a wonderful FAMILY DAY holiday together.
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