Please find attached a copy of “Huron Happenings” for the week of October 3rd, 2016.
Everyone please note that Friday October 7th, 2016 is a PA Day and there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. Also remember that Thanksgiving is Monday October 10th, 2016 and schools will be closed for the holiday. Students will return to school on Tuesday October 11th, 2016.
Our Strings program is hoping to start again this week, on Wednesday October 5th which will be a Day 2. All students who started in the Strings program last year in Grade 5 will be continuing again this year in Grade 6. We also have a special opportunity for any new Grade 6 students to join the Strings program – provided you have had some previous experience with either violin, violo, cello or bass. If any new Grade 6 students are interested in joining the Strings program please speak to Ms. Hanson (our Music Teacher) and she can put you in touch with Mr. Bouts, our Strings Instructor.
The Lost and Found here at Huron is the beautiful wooden structure in the front foyer of the school – the one containing lost and found articles of clothing and other items such as lunch bags, water bottles, hats, backpacks, umbrellas, shoes, boots, etc. Even after only one month of school we have quite a collection of Lost and Found items already.
Please check Lost and Found regularly for things that might belong to your family. And remember that Lost items also end up in hallways, left outside, in classrooms, in lunchbins belonging to other classrooms, etc., so do check Lost and Found repeatedly as it sometimes takes a while for Lost items to make their way to the front foyer.
Of special importance – if your child is missing their lunchbag do check Lost and Found frequently. Food containers cannot sit in Lost and Found for very long before they become very ‘gross’. As a result, food containers are thrown out at the end of every week.
As you can see in the “Future Dates” section of “Huron Happenings” our photo day is scheduled for Tuesday October 18th, 2016. Class and individual school photos will be taken that day so make sure students bring their best smile to school that day.
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