Huron Happenings – September 26, 2016


Our annual Terry Fox Walk is this Thursday, September 29th, beginning at 1:00pm. All students, Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be participating, and your child’s teacher can give you more information about the specific route they will be following based on their grade level. Our Terry Fox Walk is an important event to both our school and our broader community and we really encourage all parents/caregivers to join us that afternoon if you can.
All students should have returned their permission form by now – if you need another copy extras are available in the office.
Pledge forms and donations can be returned to the school anytime up to Wednesday October 12th, or donations can be made on-line at Since Huron first started to “walk for Terry Fox” we have raised more than $87,500.00 for cancer research. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get to $100,000.00 this year!!


Our first School Council meeting for the 2016/2017 school year is going to be held on Tuesday, September 27th, 2016, beginning at 6:00pm. Babysitting and pizza is available for school-aged children. All parents/caregivers are welcome and invited to attend any School Council meeting. Come to learn more about how our School Council runs – and at this meeting as well we will be looking to elect our executive members for this year. More information will be coming shortly about this – so please mark your calendars and plan to attend.


Huron’s Monthly Earth Hours will be starting again this month with our first one being on Friday September 30th, from 2:20-3:20pm. As part of our committment to being a PLATINUM LEVEL ECO-SCHOOL we are constantly looking for ways to reduce the amount of electricity and energy we use here at Huron. Once a month Huron has an “EARTH HOUR” (usually on the last Friday of each month) where we specifically focus on turning off as many lights as possible and wherever possible, powering down or turning off our electronic equipment. We would like to encourage all Huron families to participate in similar types of activities at home as well.



Phyllis Webstad, a member of the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation in British Columbia, was forced to attend St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School, as her relatives before her. She entered the school in 1973 wearing a brand new orange shirt which was immediately confiscated by the staff and replaced with a uniform. She never saw the shirt again, and began to associate the colour with the traumatic experiences in the school and the loss of language and cultural identity she suffered. In 2013, Webstad transformed her negative experiences into something positive by creating a Nationally recognized Orange Shirt Day. Celebrated annually on September 30th, this day acknowledges the residential school system in Canada, honours those who survived, and remembers those who did not. It is a day to demonstrate, by wearing orange, that all students matter. Orange Shirt Day has been marked in schools across Canada in a variety of ways, including Orange Ribbon campaigns, commemorative walks, and wearing orange shirts. Over 6,500 survivor statements have been collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, which concluded in 2016 after six years of research and testimonies. Senator Murray Sinclair has stated that “reconciliation must fall in the hands of Canadians, not solely with Indigenous peoples.” Ultimately, wearing orange shirts on September 30 is a visual reminder of our shared past as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, and provides an opportunity for dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in shaping our shared future.
Huron students are learning about Orange Shirt Day and everyone is being encouraged to wear something orange on Friday September 30th.


Final Call for the Return of all Blue ‘Contact Info’ Forms! A BLUE form came home in your child’s backpack a couple of weeks ago. Its purpose was to gather contact information for all the children in your child’s class as well as to seek out volunteers for parent reps for each classroom. Please return your form to the office as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Your classroom’s parent rep will very soon be compiling classroom contact lists for you, and we don’t want to leave anyone out!
We have had an incredible response of volunteers willing to be parent reps this year…Thank You! We are still very much in need of a parent rep for Rooms 11 & 22!
Extra blue forms are available from the school office. For questions, to volunteer, or to be emailed the blue form, please contact: Parent Rep Coordinator Kelsie Hernandez at


A reminder that the Real Food Lunch Club will be starting again soon here at Huron. If you’re interested in registering your child in this hot lunch program you can do so on-line at:

Huron Happenings – September 19th, 2016

Huron’s annual Terry Fox walk is happening this year on Thursday September 29th, 2016. All students, Kindergarten to Grade 6, will be participating and your child’s teacher will have more information about the route that your child will be walking, based on their grade level. We are hoping that many parents/caregivers will be able to join us that day so please plan to walk with us if you are available. All students will be receiving pledge forms and we’d like to encourage all students to collect donations to support the Terry Fox Foundation and cancer research. Since Huron first started to participate in the Terry Fox Walk we have raised more than $87,500.00! Do you think this can be the year we reach $100,000.00? Let’s see what we can do.

If you have not already, please make sure that the package of forms that your child received the first week of school is completed and returned to your child’s teacher. It is VERY IMPORTANT that this package be returned for every student as it contains important safety and medical information. There are extra packages available in the office if you need one.

Don’t forget that the Real Food for Real Kids Hot Lunch program is back at Huron again this year. If you are interested in your child having a hot lunch you can register for the Real Food Lunch Club at:

From Trustee Malik – Two events in October

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar! We have two exciting events coming up.

School Councils 101: How to run an effective school council.

Tuesday October 4th 2016, at 6:00PM, at Palmerston Ave Public School, 734 Palmerston Ave

All School Council Chairs and interested parents are welcome!

Please RSVP to:, or at this link.

Child care is provided. Refreshments are served. Interpretation upon request.

Join a special Ward Council Meeting and Social with TDSB Director of Education, John Malloy

Monday October 24th 2016, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM, at Ryerson Community School, 96 Denison Ave

Meet the Director of Education, find out more about the vision and implementation of TDSB Learning Centres, and meet community members!

Child care is provided. Refreshments are served. Interpretation upon request.

Ward Council meetings are open, and all members of the school community are welcome to attend. Ward Council meetings are regular monthly meeting opportunities for representatives from schools from across our Ward to meet, discuss, share information and raise issues of common concern with each other, the Trustee, local superintendents and TDSB staff. Check: for updates.

Please see the attached flier for more information about both events.  Copies of both fliers are also posted on our “Community Information” bulletin board in the hallway across from the Main Office.