Library Volunteers; Our Big Tree; Right to Play; Lost and Found; Cobs Fundraiser; Last Day of School

Ms. Will Stork, our Teacher/Librarian, is desperate for some help with shelving books. As you can imagine, at this time of year when all the books are being returned, there’s a lot to get back on the shelves before school finishes. If you have any time next week – in the morning, before school or during school hours, even for just 15 minutes, please come and help.

We wanted to share the good news that “The Big Tree” is a finalist in the Great Toronto Tree Hunt! Thank you to everyone who voted and voted and voted! We will find out if we are the winner of the Heritage Potential Tree category (the category we selected) at the awards ceremony next Wednesday night at the City of Toronto Archives.

In the afternoon on Tuesday, June 23rd Huron is holding its annual “Right to Play” day. “Right to Play” is a charity that uses sport and play to help empower kids in a variety of disadvantaged countries around the world. Volunteers go to different communities and teach games to the children there along with life lessons. For more information about “Right to Play” please go to:

On Tuesday June 23rd, all students, Kindergarten to Grade 6, will be participating in our “Right To Play” day. Huron students are asked to bring a toonie on the day of the event to donate to the charity so that the Huron community can show how we respect the role that play has in the lives of children.

Our Lost and Found is very, very, full … and as we approach the end of the school year it is very important that belongings are claimed and taken home! Please remember to check Lost and Found regularly and find anything that belongs to you. Students are reminded regularly to bring lost and found items from their classrooms and hallways to the Lost and Found structure, so even if you can’t find something on one day please continue to check. Sometimes it takes a little while but most things do, eventually, end up in Lost and Found. PLEASE NOTE – all items left in Lost and Found, or left in classrooms/hallways after June 25th will be DONATED TO CHARITY. All items will be collected, washed, put in bags and donated immediately after school finishes, so do not leave your belongings at school.

There still is time to head over to COBS Annex and help raise money for Huron Street Public School.
From June 1st – 30th, 2015, COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West) is delighted to offer Huron Street Public School the opportunity to participate in our Dough Raiser program where we help raise money for your school to purchase Huron Street Public School playground equipment.
HOW IT WORKS: Each time you purchase a product at COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West), mention you’re raising dough for Huron Street Public School, and a COBS staff will process a 25% donation of the total sale back to HURON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL. Huron Families – Please see the attached flier for more information and please remember this wonderful opportunity when you are shopping during June. Spread the word – tell family and friends!

Just one last reminder that THURSDAY JUNE 25th is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for the school year. Friday June 26th, 2015 – is a PA Day. There is NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS on Friday June 26th.

Big Tree; Panorama Photo; Cobs Fundraiser; Lost and Found

The Big Tree needs your help! Our grade 2/3 class has nominated The Big Silver Maple Tree in our schoolyard in the Great Toronto Tree Hunt contest being put on by LEAF. Please go to:
and cast your vote for The Big Tree. Search “The Big Tree” and you’ll find it. Please ask neighbours and relatives to vote as well! Public voting is open until June 15, 2015 and you can vote up to 20 times per IP address, so please remember to vote as many times as you can.

Order forms for this year’s panorama photo are now available – students may have brought it home yesterday or they will bring it home on Monday. Order forms are also available in the school office. There are two order forms – one for the primary photo and one for the junior photo – so please make sure you are ordering the correct photo! Look at the photo on the order form – it will be either the primary or junior photo – and then complete the correct order form for the photo you want. The deadline to order your copy of the panorama photo is THURSDAY JUNE 11th, 2015.

From June 1st – 30th, 2015, COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West) is delighted to offer Huron Street Public School the opportunity to participate in our Dough Raiser program where we help raise money for your school to purchase Huron Street Public School playground equipment. Each time you purchase a product at COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West), mention you’re raising dough for Huron Street Public School, and a COBS staff will process a 25% donation of the total sale back to HURON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL. Huron Families – Please see the attached flier for more information and please remember this wonderful opportunity when you are shopping during June. Spread the word – tell family and friends!

We need to start to focus on our Lost and Found again as it’s really starting to fill up – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly and claim any belongings. Students are reminded regularly to bring lost and found items from their classrooms and hallways to the Lost and Found structure, so even if you can’t find something on one day please continue to check. Sometimes it takes a little while but most things do, eventually, end up in Lost and Found. Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.

Picnic for the Arts

It’s just 2 weeks away…
June 12th, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm is Huron’s annual Picnic for the Arts. This year-end celebration is also the school’s largest fundraiser, supporting the excellent artists who perform for our children (K-6) each and every year. Monies raised also make possible hands-on student art projects and instruction. Books Galore! Don’t miss the fabulous finds at our annual Book Sale. Your gentle used BOOKS are a win-win! De-clutter your shelves and increase the money going back to Huron Arts. Drop off your books outside the Office by June 8th. You can help in many ways!

  • Be involved with the organization of our silent Auction
  • Offer to bake an item for the bake sale
  • Volunteer to help coordinate the preparations for the food table & the Silent Auction OR volunteer for the picnic night (!

Eco-School; Yearbooks; Lost and Found; PA Day; No Pizza Day

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved with all Eco initiatives here at Huron!! We got the results of our Eco-Audit and we are pleased to announce that Huron is a PLATINUM LEVEL Eco-School again for the 2015/2016 school year! To all staff, students, parents/caregivers and community members who work so hard on these very important initiatives you all deserve a round of applause and a huge THANK YOU for all your efforts.

We are taking orders for Huron’s 2014/2015 Yearbook. If you would like to purchase a yearbook please complete the attached order form and return it to the school office. Copies of the order form are also available in the office. The cost of a yearbook is $10.00 – CASH only. We will be ordering yearbooks based on the number of forms we receive by the due date – there will not be any extras. Make sure you return your form on time. Orders are due by Thursday June 4th, 2015. Thanks from the Yearbook Club

We need to start to focus on our Lost and Found again as it’s really starting to fill up – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly and claim any belongings. Students are reminded regularly to bring lost and found items from their classrooms and hallways to the Lost and Found structure, so even if you can’t find something on one day please continue to check. Sometimes it takes a little while but most things do, eventually, end up in Lost and Found. Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.

A reminder that Friday June 5th, 2015 is a PA Day. There is NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS on Friday June 5th, 2015.

Just a reminder to everyone that there is NO PIZZA DAY in June. Make sure everyone brings a lunch on Wednesday.

Fundraise with COBS!

From June 1st – 30th, 2015, COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West) is delighted to offer Huron Street Public School the opportunity to participate in our Dough Raiser program where we help raise money for your school to purchase Huron Street Public School playground equipment.

Each time you purchase a product at COBS The Annex (370 Bloor Street West), mention you’re raising dough for Huron Street Public School, and a COBS staff will process a 25% donation of the total sale back to HURON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL.