School Panorama Photo; Lost and Found; Huron Water Bottle; Lunchroom Supervisors

Our panorama photo for this year is being taken on Thursday May 28th in the AFTERNOON. Let’s try for perfect attendance that afternoon so everyone can be in the photo!
The Primary Grades photo (Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 and 3) will be taken first at approximately 1:30 pm (maybe a little bit earlier if the photographer is ready), followed immediately by the Junior Grades (Grades 4, 5 and 6) photo. Approximate timing for the second photo is that it will be taken starting at 1:45-1:50 pm. We look forward to having everyone at school that afternoon – and fingers crossed for nice weather too!

We need to start to focus on our Lost and Found again as it’s really starting to fill up – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly and claim any belongings. Students are reminded regularly to bring lost and found items from their classrooms and hallways to the Lost and Found structure, so even if you can’t find something on one day please continue to check. Sometimes it takes a little while but most things do, eventually, end up in Lost and Found. Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.

We would like to introduce to you the new HURON WATER BOTTLE!! Our water bottles can be ordered at any time now and they will also be available for sale at the Picnic For The Arts coming up on June 12th, 2015. The water bottles are $15.00 each – payment can be cash or cheque made payable to “Huron Street Public School Council”. Order forms are available at the school office – and you can drop your orders off there at any time. Thank you so much for supporting our new fundraising idea!

Huron is continuing with our own “Earth Hour” on the last Friday of every month. We’re doing this to focus our attention on environmental issues and the amount of electricity we use on a day-to-day basis, as well it’s another wonderful initiative towards our status as a Platinum level Eco-School. Friday May 29th, from 2:30 – 3:30 pm, will be our next “Earth Hour”.

Although we have an amazing team of Lunchroom Supervisors here at Huron, we know that are are, once again, in a situation where we are going to be looking for permanent lunchroom supervisors starting in September 2015. We are looking for people who are available to work five days a week, Monday to Friday, from approximately 11:35am – 12:50pm each day. Please think of your own situation; but also think of relatives, neighbours and friends, and if anyone is interested in learning more about the process and helping out in this vital capacity please contact the school and let us know (416-393-1570). Cheryl can provide a great deal of help with the hiring process but it does take a bit of time, so it would be wonderful to start the process now so that things can be in place for September. Thank you everyone for giving this some thought and please give the school office a call (416-393-1570) if you would like more information or if you are interested. And in addition to people who are available to work five days a week we are always looking for people who would like to get their names added to the list of Temporary Lunchroom Supervisors – people who fill in when a permanent lunchroom supervisor is away. Again please contact the school office (416-393-1570) for more information.

Picnic for the Arts

June 12th, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm is Huron’s annual Picnic for the Arts.

This year-end celebration is also the school’s largest fundraiser, supporting the excellent artists who perform for our children (K-6) each and every year. Monies raised also make possible hands-on student art projects and instruction.

Books Galore! Don’t miss the fabulous finds at our annual Book Sale. Help us by donating your gently used children’s and adult books (no textbooks please) to the front hall by June 5th.

School Council Meeting

Our next School Council meeting is approaching, and we are planning something very different. Instead of our usual meeting agenda, we would like to have a school-wide discussion about how to allocate our fundraising money for the 2015—2016 school year. There is no agenda for the meeting, we just want to hear what Huron parents and teachers have to say.

All parents and teachers are welcome to attend, and please note that childcare and pizza will be provided for all children. Our meeting will take place on:
Tuesday, May 26th, from 6:00-7:00p.m., in the Library.

Picnic for the Arts

June 12th, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm is Huron’s annual Picnic for the Arts.

This year-end celebration is also the school’s largest fundraiser, supporting the excellent artists who perform for our children (K-6) each and every year. Monies raised also make possible hands-on student art projects and instruction.

Books Galore! Don’t miss the fabulous finds at our annual Book Sale. Help us by donating your gently used children’s and adult books (no textbooks please) to the front hall by June 5th.

You can help in three ways!

• Donate an item to the silent Auction (

• Offer to bake an item for the bake sale (

• Volunteer to help coordinate the preparations for the food table & the Silent Auction OR volunteer for the picnic night (!

Spring Concert and Kindergarten Concert; Lice Check; Science Rendezvous; Huron Water Bottle; Earthquake Belief; Mental Health Parent Symposium

Next Thursday is the date – THURSDAY MAY 14th, 2015, beginning at 6:00pm – our annual Spring Concert!
An email was sent earlier this week to parents/caregivers of students in Grades 1 – 6 with lots more information about the concert. All students involved in the concert received a letter from Ms. Hanson and a copy of that letter is attached again here. We look forward to seeing many of you at this wonderful event.

Parents/caregivers of students in Kindergarten don’t forget to mark your calendars for THURSDAY MAY 21st, 2015, beginning at 6:00pm – our annual Kindergarten Concert! Students from Rooms 3, 4, 5 and 6 will all be performing, so mark your calendars and please plan to join us.

Once again, our Public Health Nurse is doing us an amazing favour by agreeing to come again and do one more, school wide check for lice. Given that Public Health nurses usually only come once a year, and this will be her third visit to Huron, I would really like to say “thank you” to Maria for her support. This school wide check will be taking place on Monday May 11th, 2015. If you do not want your child to participate please call the school at 416-393-1570 and leave a message with your child’s name and room number.

As you know, any sort of regular checking for lice (and the Public Health Nurse will not come unless they know there are volunteers to help as well), as well as any follow-up checking of students who have had it when they return to school, must be done by volunteers. Over the past few years Huron has had an amazing team of parent volunteers who have very generously given of their time to assist with school wide and classroom checks, and whenever possible they try and come into the school to check when students return to school. At this time I would like to say a huge thank you to this group of parent volunteers for the many hours I know you’ve dedicated to this task. Unfortunately however, many volunteers in this group have students who are graduating, or it’s simply time for them to give up this commitment and move on to supporting in other ways. We are therefore actively recruiting for new parents/caregivers who are willing to volunteer and help us out in this capacity. The more trained volunteers the better, as we all know our schedules are busy and the same people may not always be available when kids are returning to school and need to be checked.

If you are interested in being part of a new “Lice Checking Team” please plan to come on Monday if you can and the Public Health Nurse has offered to train new parent volunteers.
And even if you can’t come on Monday, please let the office know your name and we will arrange for training at some point in the future. Give us a call and we’d be happy to take your name, or answer any questions you might have (416-393-1570). Thanks everyone for your support with this.

The 8th annual Science Rendezvous is coming to the University of Toronto on Saturday, May 9th, 2015. The event is a FREE, all-ages street festival that runs from 11 am until 5 pm on St. George Street between Harbord Street and College Street. Drop by whenever you want – no registration or tickets required! Science Rendezvous aims to highlight and promote science in all its aspects, with the ultimate goal of improving student enrollment and public investment in science and technology in the future. Science Rendezvous showcases the best and brightest in science and technology in Canada. The public will get a chance to meet with world-class researchers, participate in hands on experiments and activities, watch amazing demonstrations of the integration of science, architecture and human ingenuity, and most of all, have fun while experience science in a whole new way! This one-day event will make science accessible to people of all ages and from all backgrounds! For more information please check out the website:

We would like to introduce to you the new HURON WATER BOTTLE!! All students brought home a hard copy of the flier (copy attached to this email) with all the information you need for ordering. They can be ordered at any time now and will also be available for sale at the Picnic For The Arts coming up on June 12th, 2015. The water bottles are $15.00 each – payment can be cash or cheque made payable to “Huron Street Public School Council”. Thank you so much for supporting our new fundraising idea!

As you are aware, a powerful earthquake rocked Nepal leaving thousands dead, many thousands injured and an estimated 8.1 million people in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. It goes without saying that our thoughts are with the people of Nepal and those in our own TDSB community who may have lost loved ones or are waiting for word of their safety. To help with the enormous relief effort that is currently underway in Nepal, the TDSB is launching tdsbCARES: Nepal Region Earthquake Relief — a board-wide fundraising appeal. As we have done in the past, we will be supporting the Canadian Red Cross which already has teams on the ground in Nepal providing assistance to those in need.

Cash and cheque donations will be accepted here at Huron at any time until May 25th 2015. Cheques MUST be made payable to: “Canadian Red Cross – Nepal”. To contribute online, students, staff, parents and school communities can visit the TDSB website at . For all donations in excess of $20, made either online or by cheque, tax receipts will be issued by the Canadian Red Cross. The tdsbCARES: Nepal Region Earthquake Relief fundraising appeal will run until May 25th. The federal government has announced that they will match all eligible donations made by that date.

On 9 May 2015, the first annual Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Symposium, “Parents as Partners – Taking Action Together” will take place at Earl Haig Secondary School, 100 Princess Avenue, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. The day will feature workshops for parents that will:
Increase parent engagement in supporting mental health and well-being of their children; Raise awareness regarding mental health issues; Provide an opportunity for parents to gain an understanding of what mental health and well-being supports are available within the TDSB and the community

Registration information will be available shortly; Lunch and Childminding will be provided; Free parking; We strive to ensure a peanut free environment; however, we cannot guarantee a peanut free environment.

To register please visit .

Lice Check

Monday May 11th, 2015

Once again, our Public Health Nurse is doing us an amazing favour by agreeing to come again and do one more, school wide check for lice. Given that Public Health nurses usually only come once a year, and this will be her third visit to Huron, I would really like to say “thank you” to Maria for her support. This school wide check will be taking place on Monday May 11th, 2015. If you do not want your child to participate please call the school at 416-393-1570 and leave a message with your child’s name and room number.

As you know, any sort of regular checking for lice (and the Public Health Nurse will not come unless they know there are volunteers to help as well), as well as any follow-up checking of students who have had it when they return to school, must be done by volunteers. Over the past few years Huron has had an amazing team of parent volunteers who have very generously given of their time to assist with school wide and classroom checks, and whenever possible they try and come into the school to check when students return to school. At this time I would like to say a huge thank you to this group of parent volunteers for the many hours I know you’ve dedicated to this task.

Unfortunately however, many volunteers in this group have students who are graduating, or it’s simply time for them to give up this commitment and move on to supporting in other ways. We are therefore actively recruiting for new parents/caregivers who are willing to volunteer and help us out in this capacity. The more trained volunteers the better, as we all know our schedules are busy and the same people may not always be available when kids are returning to school and need to be checked.

If you are interested in being part of a new “Lice Checking Team” please plan to come on Monday if you can and the Public Health Nurse has offered to train new parent volunteers. And even if you can’t come on Monday, please let the office know your name and we will arrange for training at some point in the future. Give us a call and we’d be happy to take your name, or answer any questions you might have (416-393-1570). Thanks everyone for your support with this.