A reminder to everyone that the school is closed next week for our March Break holiday. There is NO SCHOOL for students from March 16th – 20th inclusive. We’ll see everyone back at school on Monday March 23rd, 2015. Have a fun, safe, happy, healthy and relaxing break everyone!
It is important for all families to note that ALL LOST AND FOUND ITEMS will be DONATED TO CHARITY over the March Break Holiday. The Lost and Found structure will be EMPTY when you return to school on March 23rd. Our Lost and Found is extremely full – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly and claim any belongings. Students are reminded regularly to bring lost and found items from their classrooms and hallways to the Lost and Found structure, so even if you can’t find something on one day please continue to check. Sometimes it takes a little while but most things do, eventually, end up in Lost and Found. This week items will be laid out on tables in the front hallway as well as in the Lost and Found structure. Please check in all locations.
Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.
Mark the date on your calendars – FRIDAY MARCH 27th, 2015 – and join us for Huron’s annual Family Skate Night at Varsity Arena. More information will be coming soon but mark your calendars and plan to join us this evening.
When you look ahead at “Future Dates” we wanted to draw your attention to the fact that the dates for the Spring Concert and the Kindergarten Concert have switched. Ms. Mossman, our band instructor, was not able to join us on the original date we had chosen to the SPRING CONCERT (featuring band, strings, choirs and select classes) will now be on Thursday May 14th, 2015, and our KINDERGARTEN CONCERT (featuring the students in Rooms 3, 4, 5 and 6) will now be on Thursday May 21st, 2015. Please mark your calendars.
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