Staff Changes; Lunchroom Supervision; Road Safety; Next PA Day


Please join me in welcoming Ms. Lunette Edwards, our new JK/SK teacher who is working with Ms. Johnson in Room 3. Ms. Edwards has been teaching JK/SK at another school previous to joining us here at Huron and we welcome her now to the Huron community. Over the holidays our afternoon caretaker Indo was transferred and unfortunately for us his last day at Huron was Friday Jan. 2nd so we didn’t get a chance to say a proper good-bye. The good news is though that Indo’s transfer was also a promotion and we wish him the best of luck at his new school. Joining us now here at Huron is Mr. Rashad Kazi. Rashad will be here from 3:00-7:00pm every day so please say “hi” to him when you see him at the end of the school day. Ms. Darlene Eriksen who has been working as an Educational Assistant (in the mornings) and Lunchroom Supervisor since September joins us now in the afternoons as well, working as a secretary in the office. We are delighted to have Ms. Eriksen supporting us in this capacity as well. Lastly Mr. Ray Sharma joins the staff at Huron as a Lunchroom Supervisor, replacing Ms. Eriksen. Mr. Sharma is just beginning his career with the Toronto District School Board and we’re glad that he’s chosen to do so at Huron.


We are again in a situation where we are encouraging people to think about adding their name to the temporary lunchroom supervisor roster with the TDSB. Although we are fully staffed in terms of our permanent positions but at the present time, whenever a lunchroom supervisor is away there are very few, if any, people available on the temporary roster that we can ask to work and fill the vacancy.
We do of course appreciate and value the parents/caregivers who volunteer their time to help, and we love it when you do, but understandably TDSB staff members must also be present and this is why we really need names on the temporary roster that we can call to help. So think of your own situation; but also think of relatives, neighbours and friends, and if anyone is interested in learning more about the process and helping out in this vital capacity please contact the school and let us know (416-393-1570). Remember we’re not looking for people to be available every day, instead your name would be on a list of people we could call whenever a lunchroom supervisor is absent. Thank you everyone for giving this some thought.


We would like to remind who has a car at school during either the morning drop-off or for pick-up after school that there is a clearly indicated “SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONE” that must be kept clear for all the buses that either pick up, or drop off at our school. Please DO NOT park your car in this area which is just south of sidewalk leading to the front doors and extending south all the way to the driveway into the parking lot. It is very possible that there could be multiple buses arriving at the same time to pick-up and drop off students so this whole area MUST be kept clear of cars. Our bus drop off and pick up times are from approximately 8:15 – 9:00am and from 3:15 – 4:00pm. Please make sure the area is kept clear of all cars during these times. And a reminder to all drivers that if a bus has its lights on you must not pass the bus in either direction!


Mark your calendars – our next PA Day is Friday January 23rd, 2015. On this day there will be NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS. A reminder to everyone that if you scroll down to the bottom of Huron Happenings every week there is a listing of all holidays and PA Days for the entire school year.

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