Red Nose; Milk and Cookie Day; Holiday Sing-A-Long; Holiday Food Drive; Lost and Found

There’s lots going on this week so please make sure you read and mark your calendars.


Remember that our Red Nose Campaign is continuing this week, while supplies last. Please find attached a special message about a fundraiser that many schools in the TDSB are participating in to help support the Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS). We look forward to seeing these RED NOSES lighting up around Huron over the next week. Thanks in advance for your participation.


We have some exciting news, on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17th, 2014, we will be participating in a fundraiser. We will be selling milk and cookies for $2.00. All proceeds will go to the United Way. Please send your child to school on the 17th with a toonie. (Milk and cookies will be sold to the grade 5 students on Dec. 18th, as they will be out on a field trip on the 17th). And don’t forget to wear your pajamas that day too!


On THURSDAY DECEMBER 18th at 10:40am (after morning recess) we will be having our Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long. All parents/caregivers are invited to join us for this annual event. Don’t forget to wear your “Elf” or other festive apparel on Thursday.


As is tradition here at Huron, students, parents and caregivers are asked to please bring a non-perishable food item to school for our Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long, or anytime between now and December 18th. All donations will go to the Daily Bread Food Bank, a non-denominational Canadian charity that strives to end hunger in urban communities. P.S. And if there are any parents/caregivers who would be available to help deliver the food please let the school know. Willing hands, and a vehicle, are always appreciated.


Our Lost and Found is getting extremely full – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly. The Lost and Found is now arranged in the following way: all accessories (hats, mittens/gloves, scarves, lunchbags) are all put on tables in the front hallway. All articles of clothing (shirts, hoodies, sweaters/sweatshirts, pants, coats, snowpants) are spread out on the Lost and Found structure. Some of the articles are hanging from the hooks as well every slot has at least one article of clothing in it. Shoes and boots are on the floor underneath the structure, in the front foyer.

It is important for all families to note that ALL LOST AND FOUND ITEMS will be DONATED TO CHARITY over the Winter Holidays. The Lost and Found structure will be EMPTY when you return to school in January. Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.

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