Mornings; Green Team; Lost and Found; School Council; French Immersion


We’d like to ask your help with the following “housekeeping” items – ways in which we can all help to maximize the learning environment for our students. Firstly – let’s really focus on being on time! As you know, our entry bell rings at 8:56am, and at that time that all students should be lining up outside in their classroom lines, ready to be met and escorted into the building by their first period teacher. On most days however there are usually about 20 (and frequently more) students who are in the office within the first 5-10 minutes of our entry bell, many of whom have just missed their class line. These students then have to come to the office to get an admit slip, and maybe they have to wait in the office for a few more minutes while we play our National Anthem,… and pretty soon several minutes have passed before these students actually get to their classrooms – meanwhile the learning in the classroom has already started. Late students are missing out on that incredibly valuable learning time – and that learning environment is disrupted when students come in after the teaching has started. If all students aim to be at school between 8:50 – 8:55 a.m. (rather than 8:55-9:00 a.m.) we should be able to see quite a reduction in our numbers of students coming late.

Secondly – when students do arrive at school in the morning, everyone should be going around to the back of the school (not in the front doors) and getting ready to join their class line when the bell rings. We can say our ‘good-byes’ outside in the school yard and that way our hallways and stairwells aren’t so crowded. Unless there is a special reason to be coming to the office or to see a teacher, students and parents/caregivers should not be in the hallways before school. Thanks to all families for your support.


We are asking for your support to take part in a special initiative called “Team Up For Green”. The Toronto District School Board, Toronto Hydro, and EcoSchools are working together for the good of our schools and our environment. Every single sign-up raises funds for new bike racks to be installed at TDSB schools across the city. With each Huron family that participates. it increases our chances of receiving additional bike racks for our school. This program will run until November 30th, 2014.

A couple of weeks ago students took home a half-page flier, printed on green paper, with this information. Don’t forget to return that flier to the school with your name on it so that we can add your name to the tally chart we have in our first floor hallway. If you can’t find this flier there are extra copies in the office, or just let us know on any piece of paper that you’ve signed up for one or more of the “Team Up For Green” initiatives so we can add you to our tally chart. Please see more information about the “Team Up For Green” initiative attached to this email.


Our Lost and Found is getting extremely full – please everyone remember to check Lost and Found regularly. If we could please add – Lost and Found is intended for you to take ONLY items that belong to your child/ren. It’s important that all items be given the chance to be found by their rightful owner. Please note – food containers are thrown out regularly!! It doesn’t take long for the food in them to become disgusting, which is then smelly and attracts things we don’t want. For that reason, all food containers that end up in Lost and Found are thrown out regularly – so please check Lost and Found if your child left their lunchbag at school.


Just a reminder that our next School Council meeting is planned for WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19th, 2014 at 6:00pm. All parents/caregivers are welcome and invited to attend these meetings. As always, childcare and pizza will be provided for children. Please find attached the agenda for our next meeting on November 19th, 2014.


A reminder that if you are interested in applying for Early French Immersion, which begins in Senior Kindergarten, the application timeline is from November 3rd, 2014 to December 5th, 2014. Additional information about the Early Immersion French program was sent home with Junior Kindergarten students at the end of September. For more information please plan to attend the Information Evening at Lord Lansdowne P.S. on Thursday November 27th, 2014 at 7:00pm.

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