Team Up For Green

Dear Huron families:

Today or tomorrow all students will be bringing home a hard-copy of this information, but we wanted to blast it out electronically as well to try and make sure all families see it and help support this great new program.

We are asking for your support to take part in a special initiative called “Team Up For Green”. The Toronto District School Board, Toronto Hydro, and EcoSchools are working together for the good of our schools and our environment. Every single sign-up raises funds for new bike racks to be installed at TDSB schools across the city.

With each Huron family that participates. it increases our chances of receiving additional bike racks for our school. Please see the attached flier (or the hard copy your child brings home) for how to sign-up and return the flier to the office to have your stickers added to the tally bike rack poster in our school. This program will run until November 30th, 2014.

Fundraiser by Grade 6 Students

Dear, Huron Parents, Families and Guardians:

There is a fundraiser that some grade six students have started together.  It is to raise awareness and free dolphins and orcas (inaccurately named killer whales) from captivity.  The reason we are trying to raise awareness and set free dolphins and orcas is because dolphins and orcas do not belong in concrete tanks.  They belong in the ocean and the ocean is where they should be; but some of them they are not in the ocean.  They are in tiny concrete tanks where people come to watch them suffer all day and that is a bad thing.  By helping us by simply sending your child to school on Tuesday, October 14th  and Wednesday, October 15th with a bit of cash, maybe just a bit of money to buy a rainbow loom bracelet or maybe just a bit of money to put in the donation box in the office or when we come to your classroom.  All of the donations will be going to the WDC whale and dolphin conservation.  Dolphins and orcas; they belong in the ocean with their family because it is freedom and it isn’t just for us.

Eco-Team Message to Parents

Dear Parents:

In 2014 Huron became a Platinum EcoSchool. This award level of certification provides rich opportunities for Huron students to deepen their environmental learning and practices. Students participate in various initiatives throughout the year to help maintain this status. A large emphasis of the EcoSchools process is placed on energy conservation and waste reduction. Boomerang Lunch is a waste reduction initiative. It has been in place for several years. We have noticed an increase of litterless lunches coming to school and we are thrilled that Huron families are doing their part to reduce waste. This is a reminder to all families that as of this year our lunchroom has a recycling bin and a green waste (compost) bin ONLY. There is NO garbage container set out during lunch. Any litter or garbage that cannot be recycled or composted should be going home each day in students’ lunch bags.

Separating recyclables from other waste items has become commonplace in our city (e.g., many food courts, hospitals, government buildings and museums separate waste items). We hope our initiative at Huron will raise awareness and promote positive waste disposal habits in students outside of their school day. We very much appreciate your support and cooperation.

For more information about the TDSB EcoSchools Program, please visit:


Library News; Walk to School Day; Terry Fox Walk; Garden; Bus Safety

Every day is library day at Huron! Just a reminder that students can return and check out books every morning before school from 8:40-9:00, but also right after announcements in the morning, with permission from their teacher. So there is no need to wait for “library day” – as every day is library day.
We are excited to have junior student library ambassadors helping out in the library this year. We are also looking for any parents or community members who can spare an hour or two to help out in the library. There are lots of potential tasks from shelving books, to stamping new materials, to creating displays and more! Please email me at if you are interested in volunteering.

International Walk To School Month is October and we are holding Huron’s “Walk to School Day’ on Wednesday October 15th, 2014. International Walk to School Day/Month is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries focussing on walking and biking to school. It began in 1997 and over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a chance to focus on various environmental issues as we look at options for travel to and from school. Why Walk? – It’s FUN! Healthier Habits! Cleaner Environment! Promoting Safety! Community Benefits! Please plan to walk or bike to school that day – and if you do live too far away to walk or bike, please try and take TTC, or park a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way.

We are wrapping up our collection of donations for the Terry Fox walk – but there’s still time to make a donation if you haven’t yet. Please send in any last minute donations on Tuesday so they can get included in this very worthwhile cause.

University of Toronto School (UTS) Parent Association and school are hosting an event on Wednesday October 15th which they would like to bring to the attention of the Huron Community. The event is called: BEYOND INTELLIGENCE: SECRETS TO RAISING HAPPILY PRODUCTIVE KIDS. Further information about this event can be found on the flier on our Community Bulletin Board located in the hallway across from our Main Office.

In Huron Happenings you will see that we are planning a working bee for Saturday October 18th, from 1:00 – 4:00pm to help get our school’s front gardens ready for winter. On Saturday October 18th we’re inviting everyone to come and help us. Come for a short time or come for a longer time – just come and lend a hand. Anytime between 1:00 – 4:00 pm. We’d love to see you and as you know – “many hands make light work”.
Please see the flier attached to this email for more information.

We would like to remind everyone with a car, that there is a clearly indicated “SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONE” that must be kept clear for all the buses that either pick up, or drop off at our school. Please DO NOT park your car in this area which is just south of sidewalk leading to the front doors and extending south all the way to the driveway into the parking lot. It is very possible that there could be multiple buses arriving at the same time to pick-up and drop off students so this whole area MUST be kept clear of other cars.

Walk to School Day; Cross Country; Road Safety

Parents/caregivers, I continue to need your help to get the word out there that this parent distribution list is in place and these emails have started.  I need those of you who do receive this email to talk to your friends and other parents and check and make sure they got it as well. I know we do not have all of the orange, email permission forms returned yet (so those parents/caregivers will not get these emails), plus there are about 15 addresses that bounce back to me as ‘undeliverable’, meaning that unfortunately I could not correctly decipher the handwriting on the form.  If you speak to someone who is not receiving these emails please ask them to come to the school’s main office so we can get the information we need. A reminder to everyone that this email address is NOT to be used for incoming messages.  Do not reply to anything sent from this address and do not include this address when you are emailing.  Incoming message to this address are NEVER read.

Walk to School Day

International Walk To School Month is October and we have decided to postpone Huron’s “Walk to School Day’ until  Wednesday October 15th, 2014 to give us more time to plan the events for this day. International Walk to School Day/Month is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries focussing on walking and biking to school. It began in 1997 and over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a chance to focus on various environmental issues as we look at options for travel to and from school. Why Walk? – It’s FUN! Healthier Habits! Cleaner Environment! Promoting Safety! Community Benefits! Please plan to walk or bike to school that day – and if you do live too far away to walk or bike, please try and take TTC, or park a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way.

Cross Country Runners

A reminder that there will be a “light” practice on Monday morning beginning at 8:15am (not 8:00am).  Please attend in order to be prepared for Tuesday’s meet. And then on Tuesday October 7th all Cross Country runners will be participating in the meet being held at Ashbridge’s Bay.  Good luck to all runners and have fun! (And a special THANK YOU to all parents who are helping to drive athletes to/from the meet and assist with supervision.  We couldn’t do it without you!)

Road Safety

We would like to remind everyone with a car, that there is a clearly indicated “SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONE” that must be kept clear for all the buses that either pick up, or drop off at our school.  Please DO NOT park your car in this area which is just south of sidewalk leading to the front doors and extending south all the way to the driveway into the parking lot. It is very possible that there could be multiple buses arriving at the same time to pick-up and drop off students so this whole area MUST be kept clear of other cars.