Picnic for the Arts

The Picnic for the Arts is fast approaching and here is how you can help Huron to continue its tradition of Arts Programming…

  • Donate an item to the Silent Auction. The deadline for donating is May 29th. Contact Sue at sue.gunther@sympatico.ca
  • Volunteer for a shift at the Picnic. No experience necessary! Contact Jane at huron.volunteer@gmail.com
  • Drop off your gently-used Children and Adult books for the Book Sale. Bins/boxes in front of the Office
  • Bring in a cash donation to the Office (suggested donation $20)
  • Bake a nut-free item for the Bake Sale.  Let Reagan know what you are bringing at reganmaude@gmail.com
  • Come to the Picnic for the Arts on June 13th and have fun!

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