We are looking forward to seeing many parents/caregivers at our Annual Spring Concert being held on Thursday May 22nd, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Students who are involved in the concert have already received information from Ms. Hanson and a repeat of this information will be coming shortly in another email blast. Especially important is where each of the performing groups should meet, and at what time. If your son/daughter is involved in the concert please make sure you have seen this information. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you on Thursday night.
This year the TDSB is celebrating the first-ever “Bike to School Day” across the system on the same day that the entire city of Toronto celebrates Bike to Work Day and kicks-off Bike Month – on Monday May 26th. All schools and students are encouraged to take part and join the fun. There are many ways to get involved and show your support for cycling – check out the Cycle Toronto website for information on the event and resources including the Toronto Cyclist Handbook, and a free cycling map of Toronto.
Ms. Aveling, who is helping to coordinate our Year Book for this year has a special request … if anyone has any photos from the Track and Field Meet held last Friday, or from either the Winter Concert in December or the Kindergarten Concert last night, could you please email them to her at: lucy.aveling@tdsb.on.ca
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