Kidnergarten concert; EQAO; Bike to School Day; Victoria Day

Thursday May 15th, beginning at 6:00pm, is our annual KINDERGARTEN CONCERT and we are looking forward to seeing many parents/caregivers then.
Kindergarten families – a separate email reminder with more information will be sent to you early next week.
Everyone in the Huron Community is invited to attend.
**  EQAO  **

Students in Grades 3 and 6 will be writing the EQAO provincial assessment on May 26th, 28th and 29th this year.  Students in Grades 3 and 6 have already received information about the assessment and what it entails. Although there will be a couple of days after the 29th that we can use as ‘catch-up’ days, please don’t book doctors’ appointments or sleep in those days.  If a student is ill we will absolutely make alternate arrangements but otherwise please be ON TIME (the assessment activities will start first period) and AT SCHOOL those days.



This year the TDSB is celebrating the first-ever “Bike to School Day” across the system on the same day that the entire city of Toronto celebrates Bike to Work Day and kicks-off Bike Month – on Monday May 26th. All schools and students are encouraged to take part and join the fun. There are many ways to get involved and show your support for cycling – check out the  Cycle Toronto website for information on the event and resources including the Toronto Cyclist Handbook, and a free cycling map of Toronto.


**  HOLIDAY – MONDAY MAY 19th **

A reminder to everyone that Monday May 19th is a holiday – we are celebrating Victoria Day.  Schools will be closed on Monday May 19th – have a wonderful long weekend.

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