Picnic for the Arts

The Picnic for the Arts is fast approaching and here is how you can help Huron to continue its tradition of Arts Programming…

  • Donate an item to the Silent Auction. The deadline for donating is May 29th. Contact Sue at sue.gunther@sympatico.ca
  • Volunteer for a shift at the Picnic. No experience necessary! Contact Jane at huron.volunteer@gmail.com
  • Drop off your gently-used Children and Adult books for the Book Sale. Bins/boxes in front of the Office
  • Bring in a cash donation to the Office (suggested donation $20)
  • Bake a nut-free item for the Bake Sale.  Let Reagan know what you are bringing at reganmaude@gmail.com
  • Come to the Picnic for the Arts on June 13th and have fun!


We are looking forward to seeing many parents/caregivers at our Annual Spring Concert being held on Thursday May 22nd, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Students who are involved in the concert have already received information from Ms. Hanson and a repeat of this information will be coming shortly in another email blast.  Especially important is where each of the performing groups should meet, and at what time.  If your son/daughter is involved in the concert please make sure you have seen this information. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you on Thursday night.


This year the TDSB is celebrating the first-ever “Bike to School Day” across the system on the same day that the entire city of Toronto celebrates Bike to Work Day and kicks-off Bike Month – on Monday May 26th. All schools and students are encouraged to take part and join the fun. There are many ways to get involved and show your support for cycling – check out the  Cycle Toronto website for information on the event and resources including the Toronto Cyclist Handbook, and a free cycling map of Toronto.

**  EQAO  **
Students in Grades 3 and 6 will be writing the EQAO provincial assessment on May 26th, 28th and 29th this year. Students in Grades 3 and 6 have already received information about the assessment and what it entails. Although there will be a couple of days after the 29th that we can use as ‘catch-up’ days, please don’t book doctors’ appointments and try not to sleep in those days.  If a student is ill we will absolutely make alternate arrangements but otherwise please be ON TIME (the assessment activities will start first period) and AT SCHOOL those days.

Ms. Aveling, who is helping to coordinate our Year Book for this year has a special request … if anyone has any photos from the Track and Field Meet held last Friday, or from either the Winter Concert in December or the Kindergarten Concert last night, could you please email them to her at: lucy.aveling@tdsb.on.ca


2014 Picnic for the Arts Countdown-One month to go!

It’s getting closer…  June 13, 2014,  5-8 pm is Huron’s annual Picnic for the Arts. This year-end celebration is also the school’s largest fundraiser, supporting the top-flight artists who perform for our children each and every year. Monies raised also make possible hands-on student art projects and instruction.Perennial favourites at the Picnic include a fabulous silent auction, delectable food and drink, fun family games and art activities, a huge book sale, and a homegrown talent show.You can help in 3 ways!

Huron Kindergarten Concert

After a year’s hiatus, the Huron Kindergarten Concert returns! It is scheduled for Thursday May 15th, at 6:00 pm, and should last no more than a half hour. Both the morning and afternoon classrooms of each teacher will come together and perform as one group. This means that all of Ms. Wong’s pupils will perform together, as will all of Ms. MacLeod’s pupils, and all of Mr. Gillis’s pupils. Before the start of the concert, the performers are encouraged to meet in their respective classrooms no later than 5:45pm and leave any coats, etc. there, to be picked up after the concert. Space will be at a premium, so we ask that if at all possible, please make childcare arrangements for the performers’ siblings rather than bringing them to the concert. Imagine 2 adults attending for every one of the 100+ performers, and you’ll understand why we’re asking this! If you haven’t already done so, please advise your child’s classroom teacher only if your child is unable to attend the performance that evening.

Kidnergarten concert; EQAO; Bike to School Day; Victoria Day

Thursday May 15th, beginning at 6:00pm, is our annual KINDERGARTEN CONCERT and we are looking forward to seeing many parents/caregivers then.
Kindergarten families – a separate email reminder with more information will be sent to you early next week.
Everyone in the Huron Community is invited to attend.
**  EQAO  **

Students in Grades 3 and 6 will be writing the EQAO provincial assessment on May 26th, 28th and 29th this year.  Students in Grades 3 and 6 have already received information about the assessment and what it entails. Although there will be a couple of days after the 29th that we can use as ‘catch-up’ days, please don’t book doctors’ appointments or sleep in those days.  If a student is ill we will absolutely make alternate arrangements but otherwise please be ON TIME (the assessment activities will start first period) and AT SCHOOL those days.



This year the TDSB is celebrating the first-ever “Bike to School Day” across the system on the same day that the entire city of Toronto celebrates Bike to Work Day and kicks-off Bike Month – on Monday May 26th. All schools and students are encouraged to take part and join the fun. There are many ways to get involved and show your support for cycling – check out the  Cycle Toronto website for information on the event and resources including the Toronto Cyclist Handbook, and a free cycling map of Toronto.


**  HOLIDAY – MONDAY MAY 19th **

A reminder to everyone that Monday May 19th is a holiday – we are celebrating Victoria Day.  Schools will be closed on Monday May 19th – have a wonderful long weekend.

Music; Garden Cleanup; Hip Hop…


Choirs, classrooms and recorder ensembles that are preparing selections for the spring concert will be able to find pdfs of the music, plus most rehearsal and performance audio tracks, on the Huron Music Wiki here: http://huronmusic.wikispaces.com/

There are links for choirs, concerts, and Music Monday on the left-hand menu. And a reminder that our school concerts are coming up: Thursday May 15th at 6:00pm is our Kindergarten Concert and Thursday May 22nd at 6:30pm is our Spring Concert.  Mark those dates on your calendars.


Music Monday is Monday May 5 and here at Huron we are going to mark the occasion at 1:00pm that day – in the big field (weather permitting).
To find out about this national event, go to :http://www.musicmonday.ca/

Parents/caregivers and friends of the Huron community are welcome to come and listen as Huron raises voices, and instruments, in song. In the event of rain, it will take place in the gym. The song mp3 and lyrics can be found here on the Music Room wiki: http://huronmusic.wikispaces.com/Music+Monday


In addition to Music Monday we are also going to be having two special performances next week, and all parents/caregivers are very welcome to join us. On Tuesday May 6th at 1:00pm we are having a special performance called “Jazz in the Schools” (from Humber College Music Department), and on Thursday May 8th at 1:00pm we are having another Prologue for the Performing Arts performance; Khac Chi Bamboo Music. Parents/caregivers, we hope you will be able to join us for any/all of the fabulous “music happenings” we have going on during this week.


We have had a very generous donation of materials for our new Kindergarten classroom (a play kitchen/drama set, toys to go with it, books, etc.) but the “stuff” won’t fit in either the car of the parent who is donating it, or Cheryl’s car.  If anyone drives a larger vehicle (a mini-van, truck or SUV) and has time to help pick-up the donated materials and bring it to the school please let Cheryl know and we’ll coordinate a pick-up. Thanks for your help. And on a related note – everyone please do keep in mind that we will be opening a fourth Kindergarten classroom in September and any donations for that room (toys, books, etc.) would all be gladly accepted.


Finally (hopefully) it’s spring and we’d like to give our school’s front gardens a little Tender Loving Care.  On SATURDAY MAY 10th we’re inviting everyone to come and help us clean up our gardens.  Come for a short time or come for a longer time – just come and lend a hand.  Anytime between 10:00am and 1:00pm.  We’d love to see you and as you know – “many hands make light work”.


We are incredibly fortunate to have dance artist and teacher Lisa Karen Cox coming to work with all Huron students (Kindergarten to Grade 6) and she will be working with the students supporting the dance and creative movement curriculum.  Lisa was here for a couple of afternoons this past week and she will be here every morning this upcoming week (May 5th – 9th).  Lisa will be working with classes during their regularly scheduled gym period.  If you’d like to come and see what Lisa is doing you are very welcome to come and see — and hopefully to participate a little bit too!