Pizza Lunch, Skate Night, Day of Pink…


A reminder to everyone that our next Pizza Lunch is next Wednesday – April 2nd.  If you have already ordered your pizza you’re good to go and you can look forward to your pizza lunch on Wednesday. Extra slices will be available for students to purchase at a cost of $2.00 – but students who didn’t pre-order should make sure they have something else for lunch as well just in case we don’t have enough extra slices.


Mark the date on your calendars – Friday April 11th – and join us for Huron’s annual Family Skate Night at Varsity Arena.  The action will start at 5:00pm with pizza and the skating will start at 5:30pm and run until 7:00pm.  $4.00 entry for all skaters and chaperons,  Everyone should bring their own skates and helmets. All proceeds from tonight’s event will go to support Huron’s Physical Education and Athletics programs.
More information will be emailed home next week.

**  DAY OF PINK – April 9th **

Day of Pink is the International Day against Bullying, Discrimination, Homophobia and Transphobia in schools and communities.  We invite everyone to celebrate diversity by wearing a pink shirt (or any other pink clothing) on Wednesday April 9th. For more information about Day of Pink check out:


In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) with the goal of bringing the world’s attention to autism, a pervasive disorder that affects tens of millions globally.  WAAD shines a bright light on autism as a growing global health concern.  Support continues throughout the month of April in much of the world as April is also considered Autism Awareness Month. Light It Up Blue (LIUB) is a unique global initiative to help raise awareness about the growing public health concern that is autism.  Iconic landmarks around the world Light It Up Blue in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day to show their support!  Toronto’s CN Tower was one of these landmarks last year. For more information about autism and Light It Up Blue visit:


Toronto Public Health provides dental screening programs for all students through the schools. The dental screening dates for Huron are April 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2014. A letter from Toronto Public Health with more information will be emailed to all families next week.

Construction Update, Earth Hour, and more…

Please find attached a copy of “Huron Happenings” for the week of March 24th, 2014.

We are pleased to report that the work that was needed to get our classrooms ready for the Full Day Kindergarten program next year is nearly completed. If you have a child in Rooms 3 or 5 you will know that over the March Break these classrooms got new cubbies, new hooks, and a bench for the students to sit down on when they are dressing/undressing. The work in Room 4 is completed as well, and this classroom now has an internal washroom as well as a whole new cubby area.  Mr. Amato and his team now need a few days to get into Room 4 and clean-up after the construction and after that Ms. Stothers and Ms. Liska will be able to start moving back into their regular spaces.
A reminder to everyone that we are going to be needing lunchroom supervisors starting in September to work in the Full Day Kindergarten classes. We know that most parents/caregivers of Huron students are not themselves able to take on this responsibility but maybe you know of someone else who can. Perhaps you have a family member (grandparent, aunt or uncle) who would have time to be at the school during the lunchtime, or a next door neighbour? There is a process involved in getting hired as a lunchroom supervisor so it’s very important that we start now to let people know about these positions and encourage them to apply. If you can think of anyone who might be interested please pass the information on to them and ask them to contact the school.  I’d be happy to talk to them about the hiring process and help them get started.
Celebrating Earth Hour – Friday March 28th from 2:00- 3:00pm
To raise awareness about climate change, the Toronto District School Board is once again holding its own special Earth Hour in advance of the annual global Earth Hour. For at least that one hour (2:00 – 3:00pm on Friday March 28th) the TDSB challenges all schools and offices to be as electricity-free as they can manage – and we will definitely be doing our part here at Huron! And, don’t forget to help Toronto go dark on Saturday, March 29th, 2014 between 8:30 – 9:30pm. For more information about Earth Hour check out:
Recently the office has had a couple of requests from families new to the area, asking if we know the name(s) of any babysitters.  At this point in time our answer has been ‘no’ – but I did say we could put the word out there that people are looking. If you have an older son or daughter who does babysitting work we’d be pleased to keep their name on file if you would like to give that information to the office.  Or perhaps you use a babysitter who might like to meet a new family – they too would be welcome to contact the school and give us their name.
A reminder to everyone that we have copies of our Winter Concert DVD for sale at a cost of $7.00 each.
If you had already indicated to Ms. Hanson that you did want a copy please come and get it from the Main Office.  And even if you didn’t originally order one there are a few extras so please come and get one from the Office.

Picnic for the Arts

While it may feel far away, Spring will eventually come. Let’s give it a helping hand by turning our thoughts to the Picnic for the Arts and the joy that it brings our school year-round through the Arts Programming that it provides. Please save the date of Friday, June 13, 2014 for the Huron Street Public School Picnic for the Artsfrom 5:00-8:00 pm.  More details and information will follow, so keep an eye on your inbox and backpack letters.

Lunchroom supervisors; March break…

Of special note, one of our Lunchroom Supervisors is going to be absent on Monday March 17th and Tuesday March 18th.  If anyone is available to come and volunteer to help with supervision at lunchtime on those days it would be very much appreciated.  Our lunch period is from 11:45am – 12:41pm.  Be dressed for the weather – the students are in the lunchroom for the first 15-20 minutes and then they go outside for the remaining 35-40 minutes. Thank you in advance for your support.

Once again we’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the Huron School Community a safe, healthy, and happy March Break!  If you are travelling – safe travels; and if your family is staying in the city this is one of many websites that you might want to check out for ideas of things you can do: We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again on Monday March 17th, 2014.

Walking Wednesdays, Pizza Lunch, No School on Friday…

It’s the last 4 days for everyone to find their lost items!  Announcements are being made regularly to encourage everyone to bring found items to the Lost and Found – and now we need everyone to check Lost and Found for anything that might belong to you. Beginning on Wednesday we will display all the Lost and Found items on tables so everything can be seen a bit more easily, but in the meantime please continue to check our Lost and Found showcase in the front foyer.Please remember that on Friday March 7th ALL ITEMS in the lost and found will be bagged and donated to charity. Our lost and found will be empty when we return to school after the March Break so make sure all items are claimed before the last day of school.
We wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all parents/caregivers who supported two very successful events we had this past week: our Winter Walk To School Day and our Dance-A-Thon! As many of you know, we had quite the line-up of folks waiting for their hot chocolate on our Winter Walk To School Day. It was great to see so many people walking (despite how cold it was that day!) and it was also wonderful to see how many people remembered to bring their own mug for hot chocolate!  Well done Huron School community. More information will be coming shortly, but once the spring weather is here we’re going to be starting “WALKING WEDNESDAYS” – a chance for all of us to continue to focus on our environment.  We’d like to encourage you to think about your family’s morning routines, especially if you don’t / can’t currently walk to school, and see if there is a way you could walk, even part of the way, on a weekly basis.
A reminder to everyone that our next Pizza Lunch is next Wednesday – March 5th.  If you have already ordered your pizza you’re good to go and your pizza has been ordered. Extra slices will be available for students to purchase at a cost of $2.00 – but students should make sure they have something else for lunch as well just in case we don’t have enough extra slices.
A reminder to everyone that there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday March 7th, 2014.  Thursday March 6th is the last day of school for students and our first day back after the March Break holiday is Monday March 17th, 2014.  We hope everyone has a healthy, happy and relaxing time during the holiday. And just to let everyone know, that because of the holiday the next issue of “Huron Happenings”, for the week of March 17th, 2014, may be a little later than usual getting to your in-boxes.  You can always check ahead in “Future Dates” from this issue, for school events that are happening on our first days back.