Get Rid of Those Winter Blahs and Try A
The Huron Eco-Team is organizing a Winter Walk to School Day on Wednesday February 26th. Walk to school and bring your own mug for a free Hot Chocolate when you get here (or on sale for $1.00 if you don’t bring your own cup). Hot chocolate will be available beginning at 8:30am at the front of the school. Remember if you live too far away to walk all the way you can park a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest. We look forward to seeing you outside and walking on February 26th.
Mark your calendars for Thursday February 27th, when we’re having our annual Dance-A-Thon fundraiser! Pledge forms and envelopes have been sent home and we’re looking forward to having lots of fun together that day. We’ll send out the schedule for the day shortly – parents/caregivers are welcome and encouraged to join us and boogie.
We are raising money for two great causes; a SMARTBoard for our Library which will complete the set-up we’ve been working on for our technology lab (which includes a laptop computer, projector, speakers … and now the SMARTBoard) and we’re also fundraising for S.T.E.M. resources (resources to support the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) across all grade levels.
Our Lost and Found is amazingly FULL again! We know it can be difficult to find “found items” when the Lost and Found is as full as it is, but please do keep checking. We will display all the items out on tables the week before March Break, but unfortunately we don’t have the space in either the front foyer or the hallway to leave the tables set up for a longer period of time.
Please remember to check Lost and Found frequently – and the students are regularly reminded to make sure ‘found’ items get to the Lost and Found. We will be donating all items in Lost and Found to charity again at March Break.
A special notice about lunch bags and food containers
For obvious reasons lunch bags and food containers cannot sit in Lost and Found for long periods of time, so especially for these items do check regularly. There are a number of lunch bags and food containers that have been in Lost and Found for an extended period of time now - ALL FOOD CONTAINERS WILL BE THROWN OUT NEXT WEEK! Some are starting to look and smell a bit unpleasant!
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