The Astronomy Club met for the first time in Mr. Goodyear’s class room. We talked a bit about plans for the year.We had a virtual visit by Johannes Hirn from the Dunlap Institute at UofT.
Kids looking up!
The Astronomy Club met for the first time in Mr. Goodyear’s class room. We talked a bit about plans for the year.We had a virtual visit by Johannes Hirn from the Dunlap Institute at UofT.
About 50 Huron people, a mixture of kids and their parents, visited the Astronomy and Physics buildings at the University of Toronto. We had a tour of their planetarium and visited their telescopes on top of Burton Tower. We saw the craters on the moon and Jupiter. The Astronomy Club is grateful to the Parent Council for contributing funds to make this a free event for us.
Interactive Planetarium on Downtown Toronto UofT Campus from Dunlap Institute on Vimeo.
Free Astronomy Public Lectures on UofT Downtown Toronto Campus from Dunlap Institute on Vimeo.