Yanqin Wu: Twinkling stars, how many planets do you have?

Huron parent and professional astronomer Yanqin Wu will deliver a talk at the Astronomy Club’s Family Night on 1 March entitled:

Twinkling stars, how many planets do you have?

On the last count, the Sun has 8 planets, including planets Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. But when we look up at the sky and see those twinkling stars, we can’t help wondering how many planets do each of them have. Are they lonesome stars drifting in space without a family of planets? or are they happily surrounded by planets just like our sun is?

Over the last few years, astronomers are finally discovering the answer to this question. And the answer is far more interesting than we can imagine.

Professor Wu’s lecture slides are available here: 2012-03-01_Yanqin_Wu_Huron

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